Example sentences of "not [verb] as [adv] as the " in BNC.

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1 EASE is the biggest operation by a long way , although electronic selling has not developed as quickly as the ANM Group hoped when it introduced the idea from Canada .
2 Traditionally , the more active members have tended to belong to local groups , and the numbers of groups and group members have not grown as fast as the national membership .
3 Such individuals will then continue to breed , and the numbers will not sink as rapidly as the population controllers would like .
4 ( The mundane truth was that the delivery boy had forgotten it , but the correction did not circulate as efficiently as the rumour . )
5 The light of the lamp did not reach as far as the high ceiling , and the fire had burned low .
6 We shall instead suggest ( 40 ) , where the fact that the arrowhead passes through the square bracket is intended to show that the minor property does not simply qualify the entity as a whole , but the fact that it does not reach as far as the round bracket shows that the adjective is not a sense-qualifier : ( 40 )
7 The indecent assaults did not go as far as the rapes but were ‘ equally repulsive ’ .
8 Certainly , it is important to study bureaucracies as institutions in their own right , even if we would not go as far as the poet Alexander Pope who wrote :
9 The third method Engels accepted from Morgan concerned the idea that , although systems of kinship terms were first moulded by systems of marriage , the kin terms did not change as easily as the system of marriage .
10 He did not get as far as the main Cossack encampments at Peggetz and Oberdrauberg near Lienz , a considerable distance further west .
11 A recent claim by an accident and emergency consultant in Sheffield that children , and even adults , could regrow their finger tips , providing that the injury did not extend as far as the terminal or end joint , was greeted with considerable scepticism by the medical profession .
12 Anne was a gentle girl ; she did not fight as hard as the others .
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