Example sentences of "not [verb] what be [v-ing] on " in BNC.

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1 So you actually found yourself not trusting what was going on .
2 Yet , unfortunately this positive role so often gets lost in the way we have described earlier , with people just not understanding what is going on around them at a time when it could provide them with so much support .
3 They also do not know what is going on or what to do next .
4 the superior will not ‘ panic , because he does not know what is going on .
5 They simply did not know what was going on .
6 Yet in one the father did not know what was going on , and was robbed of all dignity .
7 At the time , however , he believed that Casey truly did not know what was going on .
8 That could only have happened if the Left did not know what was going on , and it could only have not known what was going on if it was being tricked by one of its own .
9 There would be abut 20 people in and they would not know what was going on , ’ says Solowka .
10 The Government can not say , as an excuse , that they did not know what was going on and how it could escalate .
11 The first example above , for instance , implies that Dickens took special care not to represent Chancery in a particular way , which is something we can never know ( we can not know what was going on in Dickens 's head ) .
12 As participants , we often do not understand what is going on in the interchange , so caught up are we with our own agendas .
13 Yet we do not understand what is going on .
14 ‘ You 'll be told in good time , ’ he said and would not listen when Goll the Gorm said , crossly , as they trooped out , that it was always the same ; they were not told what was going on and it was a disgrace and a scandal and there 'd be a revolution at Tara before much longer , if there would n't be an outright war .
15 Now I could not hear what was going on and I was quite sure nobody could hit a ball , or whatever they use in baseball , away out where I was standing .
16 That could only have happened if the Left did not know what was going on , and it could only have not known what was going on if it was being tricked by one of its own .
17 It has to do with not knowing what is going on .
18 It has to do with not knowing what is going on
19 However , in the case of particles emitted from a black hole , the fact that one can not observe what is going on inside the black hole means that one can definitely predict neither the positions nor the velocities of the emitted particles .
20 I sometimes think that the hon. Gentleman is so busy thinking up his contorted questions that he does not observe what is going on in the House at other times .
21 They do not realise what is going on in their own backyard .
22 And mummy 's smiling in at him from the outside , look she 's hanging the washing out pretending not to notice what 's going on .
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