Example sentences of "'s [adj] [noun pl] and [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Later he responds more positively to Vera 's shy advances and embraces her gently but respectfully when they are interrupted by Natalia .
2 After unlocking the cart from the gatepost , they were off , the child now walking between Aggie 's outstretched arms and adding her small strength to the pushing .
3 Mamma put her ample arm round Noreen 's shaking shoulders and brought her to the kitchen table and made her sit down .
4 Ministry officials highlighted the plan 's architectural merits and lauded it as a demonstration of their firm and timely commitment to the Prado 's needs .
5 • Take five of PFK 's top writers and give them a nominal £250 to set up a tank .
6 Shore , though , embodies his audience 's apathetic aspirations and airbrushes their self-image .
7 This involves standing up for one 's personal rights and expressing one 's thoughts , feelings , and beliefs in a way which is usually inappropriate and always violates the rights of the other person .
8 If a subsidiary faces high taxes , for instance , the parent will set transfer prices as high as it can , lowering the subsidiary 's taxable profits and boosting its own , which are subject to a lower tax rate .
9 The Federation itself had met the union 's national officials and treated them with courtesy .
10 The lama put together eight techniques from the crane 's natural movements and incorporated them with the ape 's footwork and grabbing manoeuvres .
11 Sebastian emerged , startled , from out of Gloria 's long curls and eyed his girl-friend unbelievingly .
12 Thanks to retired employee , Link has discovered the car 's present whereabouts and brings you the story behind its restoration .
13 Tired , not to say bemused , by their recently-acquired reputation as miserygobs and no-hopers , POP WILL EAT ITSELF recently decided to follow the example of history 's great groups and get themselves photographed with a very famous and trendy actor .
14 The hot car seats stung the children 's bare legs and made them cry out in protest .
15 It is a question of trying to get them to learn each other 's good qualities and to recognise their own bad qualities .
16 It is in the seller 's interest to be selective in the information he gives the buyer , emphasizing the car 's good points and downplaying its defects , since this would raise the price he will receive .
17 I mean , it is marvellous wearing Monsieur 's beautiful clothes and having my hair done and everything , but modelling is very boring after a while , Aunt Louise , because it is so very easy . ’
18 Hoomey , accustomed to avoiding Bones 's enormous feet and keeping his hands away from the ever-questing lips , like two grey motor-tyres devouring anything remotely edible , was enchanted with Parky 's dainty obedience .
19 Phoebe dealt with Maggie 's immediate needs and took her trousers off to soak in the bathroom .
20 Aspects of personality and motivation , social and cognitive development could be as significant as sensory impairment in affecting the pupil 's educational needs and influencing his progress .
21 In early February , the chief of the general staff , General Mikhail Moiseev , sharply attacked the party 's military policies and accused it of failing to stem the tide of anti-military sentiment now sweeping the outlying republics ( 5,000 Lithuanians , for example , recently refused their call-up papers on the ground that the Geneva convention allows people to refuse to serve in the army of an occupying power ) .
22 If one believes that God ( whatever one may mean by God ) is equally available to all times and places , then it is possible to start in the present in acquiring one 's religious sensibilities and formulating what one may mean by God .
23 Killion stared at the rounds in Woolley 's dirty hands and said nothing .
24 You 'll be all to aware of the school 's financial circumstances and understand we are unable to afford replacement or repair .
25 After Maastricht , he expects to raise cohesion funds , to be spent in Europe 's remote corners and bring us all into one happy family .
26 The man in the shadows waved something green and glistening , and the waft of entrails touched the cat 's sensitive nostrils and made it sit up and watch the stranger .
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