Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] be [conj] it [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 This solution induces vertigo if one thinks in terms of a self-contained realm of observation and inference ; does it mean that the most you can say of Einstein 's physics is that it has not yet been refuted , which can be said equally of ‘ Unicorns exist ’ ?
2 The advantage of the pen system in Eo 's machine is that it does away with the keyboard , so enabling applications to be written for all language forms — non-Roman script like Japanese or Arabic for instance .
3 The first major problem with Fforde 's work is that it equates collectivism with socialism , which is as historically wrong as it is jejune .
4 One of the oddities of Foucault 's work is that it seems riven by an internal tension — for example , as peter Dews notes , while on the one hand Foucault lays claims to a form of objectivity in his archaeology , and eschews interpretation in favour of ‘ intelligibility ’ , on the other hand throughout his life he was also prone to endorse a Nietzschean insistence on the interminability of interpretation .
5 The outstanding feature of black parents ' relationship with their children 's sport is that it does not exist .
6 Sudjic 's point is that it exists , and any attempt to plan , ameliorate or build in it has to grasp this fact .
7 Finally , one major gap in Oakeshott 's theory is that it says nothing about the fundamental issue of how societas may be reconstituted in the modern age .
8 The biggest flaw in Mr Chandler 's argument is that it applies more readily to industries where fast changes in technology do not seem likely .
9 In Germany , the Bundespost Telekom 's argument is that it has to complete the reconstruction of eastern Germany 's telecommunications infrastructure before it can allow competition , Vallance said .
10 One of the implications of the interrelation of Truth and ahi sā in Gandhi 's thought is that it involves the welfare of all men .
11 The fourth merit of Johnson 's approach is that it allows for mobility of jobs between categories , although he does not attach as much significance as Hughes ( 1958 ) to the efforts of the ‘ professionals ’ themselves in this regard .
12 The second main point about Marsh et al. 's approach is that it recognises the expressive order : the theories which young people and others have about their circumstances .
13 An important feature of McGregor 's approach is that it shows how management assumptions are important in determining motivation and morale .
14 A criticism of Fitzmaurice 's analysis is that it does not answer the crucial question of why such an objective regime should have any effect on third parties .
15 The reason for MI5 's inefficiency is that it wastes far too much time and resources chasing after the wrong sort of people who it believes to be subversive , while real enemies of the state are able to go on spying undetected for decades .
16 The beauty of Charnov 's book is that it uses one simple theoretical technique , hat of the evolutionary stable strategy , to tackle apparently disparate problems in sex allocation theory .
17 The Convention 's strength is that it copes with their diversity and provides an effective mechanism acceptable to all .
18 The play 's strength is that it draws on Eliot 's earlier work and makes that earlier work transferable to the West End , a triumph in itself ; its weakness , like that of most of the plays , is that it offers us little we can not find more concisely and intensely expressed in the poetry .
19 And Freud 's answer is that it matters because human beings have inherited this guilt from the primal crime .
20 A more serious objection to Anderson 's account is that it assumes consistentalignment between left and right in politics , and ‘ progressive ’ and ‘ traditional ’ in intellectual life .
21 One of the more significant aspects of the panel 's report is that it makes a try at preventing repetitions of the affair .
22 As Schwab ( 1964 ) has pointed out , one of the features of Plato 's scheme is that it does not primarily classify knowledge in terms of what it is of or about but in terms of its quality — its degrees of reality .
23 Virgin 's boast is that it has grown organically and can continue to do so .
24 I think at the outset I need to erm clarify Hambledon 's position , erm Hambledon 's position is that it objects erm to the new settlement on the basis that it 's not needed and can not be justified , and I would n't wish erm for the er Council 's position to be interpreted as anything less than that .
25 Moderator the convenor in his introduction and in the deliverance says that the church 's position is that it offers baptism to parents who are not er who , who is seeking to explain the church 's position to parents who are not communicant members or intending members of the church .
26 ‘ The letter is personally addressed to Gerry Adams so it is up to him to reply to it , but the party 's position is that it highlights the MPs ' total lack of understanding about the situation here and our position in it , ’ he said .
27 Er basically Harrogate 's position is that it supports the level of employment land proposed in policy I five , and that 's er a total allocation of ninety hectares .
28 Your Lordship er will see from paragraph three eleven that what the letter er says is as we discussed on the telephone , the advantage of the landlord 's objection is that it gives you time to put your finances in order , if the licence was forthcoming now you would be obliged to complete the transaction which at this stage you are unable to do .
29 The essence of the Queen 's Speech is that it deals with the problems that affect every family in our land , such as those that they encounter with the public services and those relating to education , health and the inner cities .
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