Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] be [adj] [prep] some " in BNC.

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1 Freya 's story is unusual in some ways , in that unlike Alison Freya started off , as she says , quite happy with her body ; it was the reaction of other people that made her uncertain .
2 This may lead owners to worry that the dog 's diet is deficient in some respect , but if you are using a balanced prepared food , then there should be no concern about this .
3 The model 's performance is better at some times than at others .
4 Mother 's success was due in some part to her brother , my uncle , Charles Chipchase , who went to London in the 1920s and got into conversation with a newspaper reporter .
5 If it 's to be helpful if if Mr is saying on behalf of the Parish Council that by showing it in this way on the key diagram , he feels is prejudicing or the Parish Council 's position is prejudiced at some future date , then it 's to be helpful to that that the County Council is saying it is prepared to show it simply as a an arrow and similarly for consistency it would seem to make sense to show the western in the same fashion .
6 Everyone 's position was dubious in some respect : no one had been able to stand aloof from the efforts of Philip and Mary to turn England back to popery , and all except the few convinced Romanists in the village hoped that the days of compulsory religion and inquisitions would now be over .
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