Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] [noun sg] [conj] i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 amazed I actually did erm what happened erm I was happened to be upstairs and my wife shouted quick quick there 's a zither , so I zoomed down here and the lady was still talking to you and a dialled well consequently I did n't get through for quite some time but I did eventually , erm your lady on the reception said well it 's gone now she said but I will give the lady 's telephone number and I spoke to the lady and told her the position and she says well if it 's not collected by so time I 'll g ring you back and I said well I 've been after one for a long long time she said well I ca n't understand it cos I 've been advertising it .
2 He was exiting the Commons Chamber at the end of Prime Minister 's Question Time and I happened to be walking along the corridor which he was entering .
3 I am well aware of my hon. Friend 's constituency interest as I visited that company and know how good it is .
4 This is a very serious matter the election to Labour 's shadow cabinet and I do not want to believe that men would deliberately spoil their vote .
5 ( Technically I should have Norris 's solo room because I 've been in the flat longest , but that room 's small and noisy ; also , Gav does n't snore and he 's quite happy to retreat to the living room couch if I have female company …
6 One by one everyone else 's balloon burst but I lacked the courage to blow too hard .
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