Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] [noun sg] [was/were] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Partner 's opening lead was the ace of spades , which won the trick , and partner then led a club , won in dummy .
2 A further controversial aspect of Westminster 's normalisation programme was the abolition of the ‘ special category ’ status previously afforded to those convicted of scheduled offences .
3 Carl Hoddle , Glenn 's kid brother was the scorer .
4 And here in Hatton 's log book was the Leeds trip confirmed .
5 This year the big attraction at Christie 's summer party was the Badminton Bureau , a truly magnificent piece of furniture for which I was told a special place was built at Badminton House .
6 The most striking features of Chaplin 's film career were the rapidity with which he became popular outside America and the way in which he very soon became a favourite of intellectuals .
7 Rather nearer to his employer 's family seat were the marshes of the Wealdmoors , just north of Telford and Wellington in Shropshire , which Loch set about draining with a will .
8 Einstein 's starting point was the equivalence principle and this concept is made the subject of Chapter 2 .
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