Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] [coord] [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 You ca n't cremate a body without a doctor 's certificate and in a case like this the coroner 's office would never allow it . ’
2 The opposition was calling for Dudayev 's resignation and for a referendum on Chechnia 's remaining part of Russia .
3 She ruffled the child 's hair and with a look of surprise suddenly produced a jelly-baby .
4 Rodrigo , hearing of this , rushed to Alfonso 's aid and for a moment it seemed that the Emperor would relent and rescind El Cid 's banishment .
5 In 844 Kenneth MacAlpin , a Dalriadic Scot on his father 's side but with a mother of Pictish royal blood , became king of both the Picts and the Scots .
6 Even on the basis of EFM Dragon 's own figures , shareholders are being offered paper with a net asset value of only 94.6 per cent of Drayton Asia 's NAV and with a market value of only 92.5 per cent of NAV . ’
7 As a young man he was employed in a draper 's shop and as a chemist 's assistant ; he then emigrated to South Africa , where he worked as an assayer in Johannesburg .
8 Benjamin opened Selkirk 's casket and for a while sifted amongst the pieces of parchment .
9 An example from the late-18th century is shaped like a fox 's head but with a swan 's or duck 's head as the handle .
10 He puts it down at the base of the new li ga — the stripped pine trunk that all the men brought back from the forest and erected early this morning — and pours some water over the lamb 's head and in a stripe down its back to the base of the tail .
11 In another move which shows that the board intends to live up to the word ‘ control ’ in its title , it sent a message to the Dominion Theatre in Tottenham Court Road , where Frank Bruno is playing in Aladdin , to the effect that Bruno will not be able to rub his genie 's lamp and in a puff of smoke reappear in a world title fight .
12 A third curiosity of the discount market is the one we hinted at in section 5.1 when we referred to the Bank of England 's appearing on both sides of the market , as a seller of treasury bills on the government 's behalf and as a buyer .
13 Growth in the women 's movement and in a concern for the environment are currently having an impact on the philosophy and practices of CBHP .
14 Bangladeshi babies are thought to be vulnerable , and they sleep close to other people both day and night ; at night they are either in the mother 's bed or in a cot next to it , a practice also reported by Farooqi et al .
15 The force of it lifted Golden Girl 's stern and for a moment Trent feared that she would bury her bows in the sea and pitch-pole .
16 Some slept rough , the more streetwise would find their way onto somebody 's floor or into a squat
17 Cecilia forced herself to show an interest in Daphne 's son and Daphne 's garden and after a while things grew easier .
18 The indirect customer rules may apply whether the firm is acting as the customer 's broker or as a counterparty .
19 Stop anywhere for a few minutes on a summer 's day and you are likely to end up as an unpaid extra in next year 's calendar or on a biscuit tin .
20 All the letters you type are stored in the computer 's memory or on a disk if the available memory is not sufficient .
21 Historically , the minimum subscription Association 's affiliated organizations and clubs has been set that twice the personal member 's subscription and after a period of two years ' grace it 's the Council 's wish that this balance is re-established so that the relativity returns to that which existed prior to the increase in subscriptions that was proposed at the A G M in nineteen ninety one .
22 Unlike the previous exhibitions in the series , this is the first devoted not to a royal court 's culture but to a culture based on a city 's commercial strength .
23 News of the threats came just three days before an historic vote on women 's ordination and as a poll was published showing most church-goers are in favour .
24 The Sonata in A minor K.310/300d ( 25 ) was written in the summer of 1778 , following his mother 's death and at a time when he was parted from Aloysia Weber .
25 In order to test out the connections between the two , try transcribing a conversation you 've overheard on a bus , in a dentist 's waiting-room or round a meal table .
26 ( 1 ) The names of all the directors of a recognised body shall be stated either on the body 's stationery or in a list of the names of all the directors maintained at the body 's registered office provided that in the latter case the body 's stationery must state that such a list of all the directors ' names is open to inspection at the body 's registered office and must state the address of that office .
27 Interested curiosity replaced the look of fear on Malc 's face and for a moment I hated him .
28 Initially , the women were doubtless drawn by the glamour of the nurse 's uniform and by a sense of adventure ; later , as the French women who had not lost a husband , lover or brother became fewer and fewer , the more frivolous motives became replaced by a formidable dedication .
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