Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] [be] to [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Appeal from the Tribunal 's finding is to the Court of Appeal .
2 One wonders how close the cost of Edward 's internment was to the £15 3s. 4½d. paid to Hugh Brice in 1471 for the cerecloth and spices used to embalm his predecessor , Henry VI .
3 Moreover , useful as the clergy 's and particularly Winchelsey 's aid was to the magnates in the summer of 1297 , the laity had been encouraged to think that the clergy , especially because they did not fight , should bear a significant share of the financial costs of defence .
4 Certainly it was Bernard 's initial belief , in the early days of our marriage , that contraception was a sin : Papal authority held it to be so , and Bernard 's allegiance was to the Pope .
5 I thought that Stacey 's conclusion was to the effect that the council had changed and was capable of internal reform .
6 There is a possibility that minister here refers to Ealdhun and that Offa was angered because Ealdhun had given his lands to Christ Church , Canterbury , without King Ecgberht 's permission , but even if this were the case , it is clear that Offa 's reaction was to the way in which Ecgberht also had made grants of land without his permission ; he revoked both Ealdhun 's donations and Ecgberht 's , not only to Canterbury but to Rochester .
7 Ears turned sideways : the horse 's attention is to the side .
8 Ears turned forward : the horse 's attention is to the front .
9 Ears turned backwards : the horse 's attention is to the rear .
10 There were , in short , pious men and women who not only failed to find it blasphemous , but regarded it as an integral part of their belief — as integral , say , as Peter 's role is to the Church of Rome .
11 God 's call was to the Jew first .
12 Orwell in his notes offers only the ghost of an answer when he remarks that Waugh 's loyalty was to a form of society no longer viable , ‘ of which he must be aware ’ .
13 The last trip on Tommy 's bus was to the Lake District .
14 As administrators can find it difficult to confirm debt to unsecured creditors and delays can be experienced , NCM 's wording is to the policyholder 's advantage .
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