Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] [conj] [vb base] [pron] into " in BNC.

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1 It does not inherit its parent 's heart and remould it into a new ( and possibly improved ) heart .
2 Then , for the second time that evening , all three of them made their way to Puddephat 's window and let themselves into his rooms .
3 If he could weight Newley 's body and roll it into the pond , the ice would seal it off for days ; it might not be found for months , if no one dragged the pond .
4 If I started again I would like to have … ( 1 ) a ghost writer , not for my speeches but for my letters and statements : he would be the kind of person who could take the Ministry 's policy and translate it into the kind of words I would use ; ( 2 ) perhaps an economist ; and ( 3 ) a general investigator whose job it would be to brief me so that I could participate intelligently at Cabinet Committees and in Cabinet on subjects outside my own Department .
5 She herself had spent a distressing and hectic ten minutes in Rose Lipman 's office helping to remove Dawn 's costume and button her into her street clothes .
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