Example sentences of "'s [noun pl] be [adv] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The tower 's foundations were solidly built and included several fragments of re-used architectural masonry .
2 The value of a doctor 's notes is greatly enhanced if the information is concisely presented .
3 Rother 's woes were further compounded when Richard Whitmore Jones was injured in the first game and took no further part in the match .
4 People 's pets are better fed than some old age pensioners .
5 Properly done , this prevents the ferret from opening its mouth , but care must be taken to make sure that the animal 's whiskers are neither disturbed nor disarranged .
6 Baxter 's subjects were remarkably varied and included sentimental treatments of religious and romantic themes , prints of typical London figures , and newsworthy events .
7 Ian Stark once said of his great mount Murphy Himself that if Murphy 's ears were really pricked while they were going round a cross country course that he was probably out of control !
8 In fact , both Stirling 's legs were temporarily paralysed and he suffered quite a severe back injury which was to keep him immobilized for the best part of two months .
9 Indeed , the editors of this book argue that men in retirement are often viewed as potential social problems while women 's experiences are either ignored or given less significance .
10 These days , most women 's lives are so varied that no single scent will take us from gym to office , from desk to dinner — let alone dawn till dusk .
11 The tinc benz and zinc oxide plaster treatment is the cornerstone of blister therapy ; however , the sergeant 's feet were so damaged that a layer of ‘ moleskin' had to be applied .
12 The trouble is , men 's emotions are generally misunderstood because they do n't talk openly about their feelings .
13 The Captain sat down in the Brigadier 's chair where the girl 's effects were neatly folded and labelled .
14 Thoresby 's contents were duly auctioned or removed and a major historic ensemble was completely dispersed .
15 For all their mock grandeur , Regency Brighton 's buildings were poorly executed and when George IV ( as ‘ Prinny ’ had become ) died in 1830 he left a rather tatty urban memorial on the Sussex coast .
16 The King lost the Civil War of 1642–6 because the Scottish army came to the aid of Parliament on the understanding that a Presbyterian form of Church government would be imposed in England ; and because Cromwell 's troops were better led and trained than the Royalists .
17 Fox 's abilities were soon recognized and he was chosen to assist Professor ( Sir ) Thomas Thorpe [ q.v. ] , principal of the laboratory , in work on the development of ‘ leadless glazes ’ to avoid the dangers of poisoning factory workers .
18 People 's needs are virtually ignored and conditions of work are so arranged that people can not interfere to any significant extent .
19 The horse 's nostrils were vastly inflated and it was panting rhythmically as its hooves struck the hard ground .
20 Freud 's ideas are often rejected as being Lamarckian , and therefore wrong , and Darwin is , is often opposed to this , as being right .
21 However , Paine 's observations were duly recognized when Florey and his colleagues published their substantial text on antibiotics in 1949 .
22 Chramn 's actions are best interpreted as those of a prince determined to have some share in the Merovingian kingdom : effectively he was creating a new kingdom in his father 's lifetime .
23 Maxim did n't mention the thought and in any case George 's feelings were more compiles than his own .
24 The perch 's efforts are often disrupted though , by an invasion he is powerless to repel — mass spawning schools of up to 20 minnows Pungtungia herzi can descend on his territory , lay their eggs alongside his , and then depart .
25 Their visibility or otherwise , the ways in which they are coded , policed , censored , constructed , praised or punished , the ways in which and levels at which they are represented as engaging with the viewer , and the contexts in which women 's bodies are placed in images and how images of women 's bodies are then distributed and consumed — all this adds up to a subtle politics of the representation of women 's bodies .
26 Perfectly located on Nathan Road in Kowloon and within a short walking distance of the Star Ferry and Mass Transit Railway , the Imperial 's rooms are simply furnished and rather small .
27 Labour 's suspicions were immediately aroused that Asquith 's speech at the National Liberal Club was part of an ‘ Establishment ’ plot to deny Labour fair play , and that a Labour government defeated in the Commons would be denied the right which other governments had enjoyed , of an immediate dissolution .
28 Five national opinion polls in tomorrow 's newspapers are keenly awaited after a survey in London showed Labour 's lead slipping a couple of points .
29 Chaman 's fingernails were brightly painted and her hair was long and straggly ; she had huge sagging breasts .
30 Viewed overall , only half the minister 's members are now regarded as experienced in the park purposes they are appointed to present .
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