Example sentences of "'s [adj] [noun sg] [was/were] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Wastell 's greatest work was the completion of King 's College chapel in Cambridge , begun early in 1508 for Henry VII and completed in 1515 .
2 Hess 's outstanding contribution was the suggestion that new oceanic crust is actually generated at a mid-ocean ridge , and spreads out laterally away from it .
3 Roth 's crowning achievement was the editorship of the Encyclopaedia Judaica , which he held from 1965 .
4 Glenn Hoddle 's free kick was the start of the next goal .
5 It meant also that the consideration which more and more came to dominate the Dual Monarchy 's foreign policy was the need to check Russian influence over the Slavs of the Balkans .
6 The most recent outstanding event in Jim 's distinguished career was the publication of his definitive catalogue of the collections of Christ Church , Oxford , on which he had been engaged for several years , coinciding with the opening of the new galleries to contain them .
7 If , however , her main dislike of Ken 's sexual behaviour was the way it coloured his career , then she has perhaps cause for concern .
8 The Union 's guiding principle was the need for the local community itself to take charge of the process whereby health priorities were set and met .
9 In Michoacán , a poor agricultural state with a radical tradition , the PRI 's principal opponent was the Party of the Democratic Revolution ( PRD ) led by Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas Solórzano .
10 The civil court appearance was Finnegan 's second brush was the law in ten days .
11 The new right 's second front was the construction of a modern image for the movement .
12 Mosanat 's ethnic base was the Hadjerai from mountainous central Chad .
13 The nation 's real shield was the navy .
14 The $3.65bn buyout will increase the airline 's debt-equity ratio from less than 50 per cent to 585 per cent and NorthWest operates one of the oldest fleets in the industry , but Mr Skinner 's chief concern was the citizenship of KLM 's representative on the NorthWest board .
15 Coyle 's early strike was the culmination of a superb move started by Paul Lemon in midfield .
16 This year 's overall winner was the reconstruction of the Kennet and Avon canal from Bristol to Reading .
17 The Bill 's central feature was the creation of a new right of appeal against a refusal of asylum .
18 Dr Mann 's central theme was the ability of humanity to use scientific knowledge for the good or the bad of his fellow man .
19 The plan 's central aim was the importation of some 9,000 prefabricated houses and 5,000 trailer homes ( as compared with Sharon 's aim to import 90,000 homes over 2 years ) .
20 Underlying the suffrage struggle was a set of attitudes which dictated that women 's natural sphere was the home , that their full development came only with motherhood and that a ‘ womanly woman ’ would not be interested in or want the vote .
21 Another important event during Coleman 's long reign was the opening of a veterinary school in Edinburgh by William Dick in 1823 .
22 Russia 's major loss was the right to a Black Sea fleet .
23 Margaret Mead 's major interest was the way in which adolescence , and gender roles , are differently understood and interpreted in different cultures .
24 For the most part , the political history of Charles the Bald 's reign which is this book 's prime focus was the concern of an aristocratic elite .
25 Another factor contributing to Japan 's good health was the country 's low-fat diet , the researchers said .
26 Mrs Thatcher 's unwilling departure was the result of a combination of factors .
27 The Exchequer 's secondary function was the payment of the King 's debts ; provided that the King had some money for discharging them , it performed this task efficiently but slowly .
28 Given that its hero 's fatal handicap was the size of his nose , it seemed to me most tactless that there should be a ‘ pneumological ’ institute named after him in Cambo , when the last thing he can have suffered from was breathing problems .
29 An indication of the tension between these moderate demands and the DHAC 's extreme rhetoric was the fact that almost immediately after this first demonstration there was a split .
30 Cheney 's unexpected decision was the culmination of several weeks of controversy surrounding the A-12 .
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