Example sentences of "'s [noun] also [vb pp] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Hospital Infection Society Working Party 's guidelines also suggested a two tier approach and gave a list of 16 inoculation risk categories of patients .
2 A ‘ cell ’ group of colleagues in my days at St. John 's College also proved an important means of personal review and direction for me and other colleagues .
3 Federico Joni 's output also included a large amount of far less brilliant work , done in the normal course of his activity as restorer and expert creator of artefacts in the Renaissance style , and designed to satisfy the demands of a wide market .
4 Apart from some 18,000 prints and photographs of prints in other collections representing all aspects of theatre architecture , scenery and costume designs , Dr Southern 's collection also included a vast amount of original material in the form of engravings , playbills , designs , paintings and several hundred books , many of which are now rare collector 's items .
5 My guest 's shellfish also left a fiery bite but was unfortunately drowned in a sauce combining sweetness of coconut milk with a sort of bathcube flavour .
6 Italy 's boundaries also enclosed a tiny anomaly — the republic of San Marino .
7 The increasingly objectivity and precision of O'Keeffe 's imagery also made a strong impression on critic henry McBride , though he interpreted them in a surprising way .
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