Example sentences of "'s [noun] which have [been] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The traditional beverage here is kumiss , a thick curdly drink made from mare 's milk which has been allowed to ferment .
2 To remove the possibility of this type of conflict , which is , at root , a conflict between the id 's instinctual impulses and the society 's values which have been internalized by the person concerned , is to undermine both the foundations of Freud 's work and the theory he built up to explain and conceptualize it .
3 It resembles a schoolboy 's notes which have been scattered in the wind and hastily gathered together again with some pages missing and others out of sequence .
4 Francis came to tell us about arrangements for the funeral and he brought with him one of my father 's pictures which had been taken to the shop for framing .
5 He fumbled with the knots of Jacqui 's tights which had been tied cruelly round Joanne 's mouth .
6 A father 's influence which has been revealed as destructive and all but disastrous is thought to have remained dominant — as was only natural — until the women broke away for good .
7 The Office of Works were determined to re-exhibit only those parts of a competitor 's work which had been awarded a premium , and consequently cut up some drawings to make this possible .
8 The mortgagor had been ordered to pay the mortgagee 's costs which had been taxed at £60 .
9 The plaintiffs , that is the Lebanon , Croatia and Hungary , will be anxious to see those parts of Sotheby 's evidence which had been blacked out in the documents made available to them , and then only shown to the court .
10 Catesby had told us we had our old chamber in one of the towers but Benjamin insisted that , before we retire , we should examine Moodie 's corpse which had been placed in the death house , no more than a wooden shed built against the walls of the Tower Church , St Peter ad Vincula .
11 To a geologist , for instance , the Pacific Ocean is a very sharply defined depression of the earth 's surface which has been formed as a result of the complicated processes of plate tectonics .
12 Instead , he proposed a package which provided for the highest degree of democratization permitted under the Basic Law , the colony 's Constitution which had been approved by China in 1990 .
13 Woolworth 's are appealing to shoppers to return a make of children 's sandal which has been found to be faulty .
14 ‘ There is a complaint that there is a breach of copyright by dint of a short extract from Randolph 's book which has been inserted in their manifesto . ’
15 He 's not alone , judging by the contents of this week 's postbag which has been bursting with all the replies from our whose-tum-bum-or-thighs-would-you-rather-have competition .
16 In mentioning the directive er can I er pause very briefly er Mr Deputy Speaker to apologise to the house that this document was not made available at the draft stage er an unfortunate combination of human error and several failures of communications meant that the select committee was deprived of the opportunity to consider the directive at its draft stage , er I 've noticed the select committee 's report which has been put in the vote office in the usual way and acknowledge the government did not meet its scrutiny obligations with regard to this document in the normal means .
17 The party also called for strengthening leadership over trade unions , Communist Youth League organizations and women 's federations which had been affected by " rampant " bourgeois liberalization .
18 The critics ' favourite accusation that Neverland looks like a theme park is fair , though hardly a criticism — most children and adults enjoy Disneyland , and the movie is no more garish than The Wizard of Oz , a great children 's film which has been rendered critically respectable by age .
19 In 1927 he was invited to edit an important collection of Boswell 's papers which had been bought by the American Colonel R. H. Isham .
20 It was Bailey who 'd started the fire , but Paterson who 'd helped wash Bailey 's jeans which had been stained with blood from the break in at the parachute hanger .
21 Eddy was working with mathematician Aram Boornazian on a study of measurements of the Sun 's diameter which had been made at the Royal Greenwich Observatory between 1836 and 1953 .
22 There are many tests of children 's language which have been developed and marketed over a number of years .
23 In fact , most researchers now believe that , on their own , the principles of learning theory are insufficient to account for the child 's mastery of language ; the bulk of the research on children 's language which has been carried out since the publication of Verbal Behaviour has been concerned with illuminating other processes which may be involved .
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