Example sentences of "'s [noun] be that the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Now at about the time that that letter was written on the twenty second of October er Mr had the meeting at the National Westminster Bank that had been arranged between himself and a Mrs and it is clear from er this meeting that the bank would no longer er , given that the Frinton property was not to be offered as security , prepared to offer the sum , the substantial sums that they had originally agreed to do and they were now only prepared to offer very much smaller sums and the plaintiff 's case is that the only way that they were going to be able to proceed to complete on this matter was er by selling their homes , their family home at and it is the plaintiff 's case , certainly in relation to er the losses that they have sustained as a result of the breach of contract , alleged in this case , that er if they had not been forced to go ahead to complete on this deal they would not have been required to sell their family home .
2 Berg 's case was that the unqualified report by the auditors gave the company an opportunity to continue to carry on business and to borrow money from third parties .
3 The thrust of The Enquirer 's story is that the final straw for Diana came when she was given a transcript of the alleged taped conversation between Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles .
4 Edward III 's intention was that the Black Prince 's campaign in Aquitaine should be accompanied by an expedition to Brittany under Lancaster and an invasion of Normandy led by Charles of Navarre , king of the small Pyrenean kingdom lying between Aquitaine and Castile .
5 The CDP 's fear is that the local authorities will be so hard pressed , because of government policy , that they will be unable or unwilling to help in the future .
6 Kossuth 's tragedy was that the very fervour of his nationalism made him so intolerant of other ethnic groups within Hungary , that he damaged the cause he sought to promote .
7 Todd 's contention is that the psychological tensions and traumas generated by the process of selection into winners and losers in " brutally individualist , egoist , competitive and aggressive societies " such as France , where the working class has assimilated the ambitious , success-seeking ideology of the petty bourgeoisie , are so intense that the creation of a communist party , a form of asylum and counter-culture , becomes imperative .
8 However , if the above criticism of the partial equilibrium model is put to one side , the implication of Roll 's work is that the only valid test is one in which the various market indices , which are used as proxies for the market portfolio , are examined to see if they are mean variance efficient .
9 The reason for reducing the event 's costs is that the less money which is spent on the gig means that more money goes to the artist .
10 Bukharin 's point was that the same methods can not be used to carry through these two quite distinct tasks .
11 My Lords , the influence behind the Noble Lord 's amendment is that the British Transport Police will not have the full jurisdiction on Rail Track property .
12 Brasel and Quigley 's conclusion is that the early language environment offered by the use of signing improves the child 's prospects in the learning of English .
13 Break 's conclusion was that the net effect of taxation rates ‘ be it disincentive or incentive , is not large enough to be of great economic or sociological significance ’ .
14 The main thrust of Lukacs 's criticism is that the rich potentiality of socialist realism degenerated for the most part into what he terms the " anaemia of socialist naturalism " because its practitioners deliberately chose to substitute the profundity of Marx 's original dialectical understanding of reality for the banality and facility of Stalinist economic subjectivism " , the inevitable consequence of the Stalinist personality cult .
15 The facts as related by the Rose-Noelle 's crew are that the 41-foot trimaran left Picton , on New Zealand 's South Island , for Tonga on 1 June and capsized in a storm about 125 miles off the North Island on 4 June .
16 One of the contradictions in Minton 's character was that the anti-authoritarian rebel remained wedded to a person who needed to belong and who , schooled by his grandmother , was in certain situations an upholder of convention and correct form .
17 The NUM 's accurate interpretation of the NCB 's strategy was that the latter intended to concentrate production on a relatively small number of ‘ superpits ’ in the most productive fields , which it would achieve by changes in work practices and pay schemes and by closing those pits which it defined as ‘ uneconomic ’ .
18 North 's belief is that the Joint Aviation Authorities will not adopt CAA Special Conditions requirements and that ‘ if they do n't enhance safety they should be dropped ’ .
19 Piaget 's claim is that the cognitive difficulties which infants come to resolve ‘ on the plane of action ’ in infancy reappear , in childhood , ‘ on the plane of [ verbal ] concepts ’ and have to receive the same kind of solution — by way of the direction , inhibition and co-ordination of cognitive acts .
20 Foucault 's claim is that the very idea of such homogeneity is a very recent notion generated in , and appropriate to , the special political climate of Europe in the late-eighteenth century .
21 One of the main planks of the CCAUK 's argument is that the Annual Percentage rate is not so high as it looks , since though most transactions are contracted for ( say ) 26 weeks , in fact they end up being repaid — with no series problem — in about 30 or 33 weeks , with no penalty .
22 Also acting against Britain 's interests is that the previous director general before Quistgaard hailed from these isles .
23 A factor in the wife 's favour was that the previous publican had provided no food .
24 Cairns-Smith 's guess is that the original replicators were crystals of inorganic materials , such as those found in clays and muds .
25 The government 's position is that the major decisions on countering global warming will have to wait on international agreement at the 1992 UN conference on the environment , which would project them beyond the present government .
26 The alternative to Joos 's view is that the two editions of the infinitive are variants .
27 The HSE 's view is that the large-scale use of genetically manufactured organisms is inherently no more dangerous than the vaccine , antibiotic or enzyme industries , where work with vats of microbes or handling large amounts of purified proteins is a daily occurrence .
28 In fact the Central Statistical Office 's view is that the published deficit overstates the real level by no more than £2bn or £3bn .
29 Leese 's view was that the chief function of the IFL was a training organization for an élite of anti-semitic propagandists , not as a political party in its own right .
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