Example sentences of "'s [noun] [conj] [pers pn] [modal v] [be] " in BNC.

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1 The tribunal interpreted the implied mobility clause in Mr Bowles 's contract that he could be sent to work anywhere in the UK to mean that he could ‘ ordinarily ’ be sent to work anywhere in the UK .
2 In later years a ‘ bull queen ’ , or ‘ bull woman ’ , dressed all in blue and carrying a blue bull stick , would preside over the day 's activities and she would be responsible for raising money to provide the bull .
3 Anthony Corris , the company 's marketing manager in the business communications division , mapped a vision of a British Telecom 's operations as they will be ‘ recognisable in 10 years time ’ .
4 It is to no-one 's advantage that they should be homogenised .
5 And Queen 's hope that they will be joined by other top quality players who are currently studying at the university but play with other club sides .
6 If it is to make good on Mr Bush 's hope that it may be possible to ‘ settle the conflicts that divide the Arabs from Israel ’ , it will have to convince the Israelis that they can be secure even shorn of the occupied territories .
7 French Socialists prepare to feast on crumbs of comfort The Socialists have been told so often that they are heading for total rout in tomorrow 's election that they will be relieved if they manage the 20 per cent predicted by the polls , writes Diana Geddes in Paris
8 When a sentence is uttered , it is rarely the utterer 's intention that it should be interpreted in two ( or more ) different ways simultaneously .
9 Never once had it crossed Jasper 's or Bert 's mind that they might be refused .
10 For a second , it crossed Harry 's mind that he could be wrong .
11 While they chastised multiculturalism for identifying racism as the ideas in people 's heads when it should be located in institutional structures , they themselves underestimated the resilience , malleability and power of ‘ race ’ as a discursive category .
12 The background to the document has to be sought in Stirling 's fear that he might be absorbed into some top-heavy bureaucracy like Combined Operations or SOE .
13 Explanation : That which you would like to achieve by helping the family — it could be something specific like improving Amy 's weight or it could be something more general such as changing attitudes .
14 The City had been expecting the chemicals giant 's confirmation that it would be hiving off its pharmaceuticals and agrichemicals businesses to a new company , Zeneca .
15 Before we go a word about tomorrow night 's programme when we 'll be looking back at some of the highlights from the first ten years of Central News .
16 Finally a look ahead to tomorrow 's programme when we 'll be following a detachment of airmen from RAF Lyneham who 've spent the last two months flying food to the starving in Somalia .
17 They 've got to repair daddy 's car because it could be dangerous , Grant .
18 Chapman 's prediction that it would be five years before Arsenal won a major honour was not only , with hindsight , amazingly accurate ; it was also meant to be realistic .
19 The solution to ‘ He was not really afraid of any landlady ’ might appear to be that we have here a masked first-person avowal , and that it is simply an indication of Dostoevsky 's boldness that it should be surrounded by authorial statements which are firmly outside and ( so to say ) on top of Raskolnikov in the classical omniscient third-person mode : for example , information about his poverty , irritable frame of mind , withdrawal from society , his ‘ not naturally timorous and abject ’ disposition .
20 The guide to the River Irthing in the same issue failed to mention a 10m fall in its bombing range section below Forster 's Hill although it should be fairly obvious to anyone finding enough water to paddle this section .
21 While the existence of a counterclaim does not support a mortgagor 's contention that he would be able to pay within a reasonable time : Citibank Trust Ltd v Ayivor ( 1987 ) 3 All ER 241 , if the counterclaim is directed to the validity of the mortgage deed , that is a different matter , see Barclays Bank v Waterson ( 1988 ) 1989 CLY 2505 .
22 The grant was perhaps intended to give Gloucester a suitable income when he entered Warwick 's household and it may be no coincidence that the sum involved was exactly that which Edward later granted the earl towards the duke 's expenses .
23 The grant was perhaps intended to give Gloucester a suitable income when he entered Warwick 's household and it may be no coincidence that the sum involved was exactly that which Edward later granted the earl towards the duke 's expenses .
24 ‘ Utter so much as a word about last night 's work and you will be clapped in irons , ’ declared Tyrell .
25 The delay in unveiling his initiative in full was caused by the Irish government 's insistence that it should be guaranteed involvement at an early stage in the talks .
26 Throughout the war , Generalísimo Franco 's insistence that he would be satisfied only with total victory and the ruthlessness with which he pursued that objective had made it clear that , if the Nationalists won , there would be no forgiving or forgetting .
27 It was Hale 's opinion that she should be .
28 It is probable , therefore , that the internal payment certificate will not be raised in time for inclusion in the current month 's costing as they will be received by the accountant after the close down date for the month .
29 He was a man at Faith 's funeral and they should be grateful to him , should n't they ?
30 ‘ It 's my blood which flows in Thomas 's veins and he 'll be legally recognised as mine . ’
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