Example sentences of "'s [noun] [conj] give [pron] a " in BNC.

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1 The duchy of Lancaster affiliations of such families brought them within Gloucester 's orbit and gave him a point of contact with other duchy of York families , such as the Savilles and Wentworths .
2 The duchy of Lancaster affiliations of such families brought them within Gloucester 's orbit and gave him a point of contact with other duchy of York families , such as the Savilles and Wentworths .
3 The board processes themselves often do not work , so one often hears the remark : the company policy is X , but of course I am not personally in support of this , I believe we should be doing Y. Since industrial success depends totally on getting the concentration of effort of widely differing groups of people with different skills to be applied at optimum effect to the achievement of the common goal , it is not difficult to see why such disparate messages strike at one 's heart and give one a more than usual dose of despair .
4 So much can be conveyed by putting your arms around someone 's shoulders or giving them a kiss .
5 The clear , vivid patterns excite the zebra 's eyes and give it a sensation of strong identity , as if it were the member of a football team or a sports club with conspicuous striped shirts .
6 The ensuing exchange over the months turned the whole cast of Balzac 's Comédie Humaine into Katherine 's familiars and gave her an awareness of greed and ambition , love and betrayal far beyond her years .
7 Because British intelligence has been reluctant to spy on a legitimately elected government and has also been forbidden from keeping ministers under surveillance , MI5 has welcomed the CIA 's intervention and given it a free rein in its British operations , always provided that it can share the resulting information .
8 She bounced to the mirror to powder and tweak for a moment , catching Conroy 's eye and giving him a wink .
9 You can have the firm 's name and give them a brooch or something .
10 If that did n't work , it was more logical to let her express her anger in the safety of her mother 's arms than to give her an irrelevant bottle , dummy or biscuit .
11 Manipulating this much information puts a considerable strain on the processor 's memory and gives you a storage problem to boot !
12 ‘ At 6pm , Dr Greenson went to Marilyn 's house and gave her an enema containing a strong dose of sedating drugs .
13 She took Sigarup 's temperature and gave him an injection and some pills .
14 He tightened his grip on Dougal 's arm and gave it a little shake .
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