Example sentences of "not very [adj] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But it is equally clear that direct , participatory democracy is , if not impossible , at least not very practicable in the modern world , and is in any case a recipe for bad government : " a community in mass is ill adapted for the business of Government … all numerous assemblies are essentially incapable of business . "
2 Armstrong 's patrician Oxbridge performance was not very successful in the brash atmosphere of the Australian courts — significantly less so than his performances before House of Commons committees .
3 Aluminium , though usefully strong and light , is not very resilient to the resulting shear forces from this situation , so do n't overdo it with the adjustment ; if it shears , then it is down to major surgery to remove it .
4 Land is often not very fertile in the controlled zones and there is always the problem of military incursions or air raids .
5 Ay , I 'm not very good at the old styling lark , I 'll say .
6 It 's not very far off the beaten track
7 Number three , he 's not very far behind the other chap , same distance when it all happens .
8 Feedback on performance is likely to be slow and not very visible to the outside world , and intrinsic as distinct from extrinsic motivation would be a key factor .
9 It 's not very common in the southern part of the British Isles and so is rarely seen .
10 She is not very enthusiastic about the light rail proposals , but er she sees the park and ride as an excellent idea , but as she said , it 's not exactly inviting to leave your car in er a car park which is not necessarily big enough , which has n't got a proper surface , is n't properly lit , is n't supervised , has great big notices up that say there are thieves about , and where the bus service stops at half past six .
11 Sex is not very important in the Chinese way of life .
12 It is clear in talking to Walter , as he nears the end of his career , that while he has greatly enjoyed his job working with students , he is saddened by the fact that prospects for young people are not very promising at the present time .
13 This basis of deciding the case is not very satisfactory in the current climate .
14 ‘ I 'm really not very interested in the emotional side of your family life , Maria , ’ he informed her brutally , and glanced at his watch .
15 Not very interested in the permanent try-and-fail cycle .
16 What data there is on campus based units and special treatment units suggests these are not very different from the large hospitals they were intended to replace .
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