Example sentences of "this has [prep] be [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 This has to be handled carefully if you are to ensure that you do n't lose the shape of the letters you are trying to incorporate in your design .
2 This has to be ruled out when the movement of the glass begins to make sense of letters , and even phrases .
3 This has to be distinguished very carefully from that kind of reformism which is simply concerned with the amelioration of an existing capitalist social order .
4 It 's the suicidal greatness of America , I think Annabel means , to have raised opportunism to such a point that even people who would n't dream of ditching anything else feel that this has to be plucked out .
5 We shall adopt a small arrow as our notation for assignment in this sense , so that ( 31 ) ( excluding irrelevant details like number , and the particular tense employed ) may be represented as ( 35 ) , where we again abbreviate by passing directly from the word forms to the intensional pattern : We may note , by the way , that the copular verb to be is the direct formal representation of the relation of assignment ; this has to be expressed overtly in English ( as well as being indicated by the order of noun and adjective ) , although in many other languages , e.g. Russian and Arabic , no overt exponent is required .
6 We can not deny the reality of biblical scholarship and this has to be expressed clearly .
7 This has to be built on .
8 This has to be carried out in conjunction with the Community Physician of the Health Authority .
9 Again this has to be set up by copying fieldnames and by again using the /Data , Query command and this time specifying as the output range an area that includes this and as many rows as you intend to use — in this case A65 …
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