Example sentences of "this could [vb infin] [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If you do not provide the information requested for registration , this could lead to a fine of £50 in the first instance , and then £200 if you still do not comply .
2 This could lead to a drop in temperature of between 5 and 10 degrees centigrade over the region , with the curtailment of the spring growing season and consequent losses of food production .
3 This could lead to a device that detects stationary objects ahead , and wanrs the driver , even stopping the vehicle if necessary .
4 This could refer to a contract without any conditions whatsoever .
5 All this could change as a result of an amendment to the Natural Heritage ( Scotland ) Bill which is jut about to become law .
6 This could result in a fire flaring up , causing possible injury and , especially if you are out at the time , widespread damage .
7 All this could come as a shock to your system if you were the shy and reticent student who hid behind more extrovert col-leagues .
8 This could act as a bar and serving area as well .
9 They sense this could develop into a confrontation between teachers .
10 This could amount to a defect .
11 This could happen in a number of ways ; one possibility , which often looms large in discussion of this topic , is that of interdependence between the qualification itself and the distribution of the cash flows .
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