Example sentences of "are still [adv] [vb pp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Since our history books are still largely written from the liberal side we are amazed to find Wordsworth on the side of the aristocracy and against the rising hopes of the people ; as he himself put it : ‘ I can not but be of opinion that the feudal power yet surviving in England is eminently serviceable in counteracting the popular tendency to reform . ’
2 For the most part , with the exception of South Africa , these are relatively poor states , with economies that are still largely tied to the export of primary commodities and are particularly vulnerable to external economic pressures and fluctuations in the world economy .
3 Women are far more restricted than men in their access to the reward structure of society , and women are still largely restricted to the private , family sphere .
4 We are still continuously affected by the subtle aspects of life , for they are a part of our inward being , but we are often unconscious of this subtle interplay .
5 Degrees are still however conferred by the Chancellor , whose title dates back to pre-Reformation days and whose authority is represented by the University Mace .
6 The sententiae are still firmly attached to the view that trusts operate in personam , but they still know of the restricted real protection allowed by the missio .
7 Many left-leaning Democrats are still firmly attached to the Canadian model or some domestic version of it .
8 Myelography and computed tomography are still widely used in the evaluation of spinal abnormality but MRI is superior and is likely to replace myelography , particularly as it is possible to visualise the spinal cord without introducing intrathecal contrast medium .
9 Lieberson goes on , " we are still totally oriented to the experimental model " .
10 Sino-Japanese contacts of all kinds are still eagerly followed in the press and pursued by individuals , national and local organizations , officially and unofficially .
11 These are still greatly valued in the area .
12 We half expected them to come back a few days later , but they have never returned to the barn we prepared so painstakingly for them , although they are still sometimes seen in the vicinity .
13 The wayfarer 's instructions are still deeply rooted in the peasant mind to-day , when he tells you — quite wrongly now — ‘ You just keep straight on ’ .
14 In addition , blacks are still disproportionately represented in the lower levels of the stratification system .
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