Example sentences of "are now [be] [vb pp] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Designed as an isolation hospital in the 1890's , Over has cared for elderly patients since the 1960's , patients that are now being moved to modern accomodation more in keeping with the 1990's .
2 These agents are now being tested in clinical trials with people at risk .
3 For instance , suppliers to transport and defence industries are now being faced with strict safety and reliability specifications and do not win contracts if they can not demonstrate they meet them .
4 The studies that I have described , concentrated in the field at Henfaes , are now being extended by deliberate experimentation within the field .
5 According to exile sources in Vienna , cows are now being treated like Romanian women — ie , subjected to a monthly gynaecological examination just to make sure their fertility is not being interfered with because population increases are the order of the day .
6 Comments are now being sought from interested parties on the rivers future direction
7 The work earmarked for the Alton plant also includes creating additional treatment capacity to cope with the waste from households in the out-lying villages who are now being placed on main drainage .
8 The average yield from these forests is about 20 cu.m/ha/year , but yields of up to 50 per cent more are now being achieved with new plantations .
9 ‘ The whole affair has shown deficiencies in our controls , which are now being removed with considerable effort , ’ Vannotti said .
10 Players are now being offered on free transfers by clubs , just to cut their wage bills ’ .
11 Those highly accurate perishable goods — such as salad items — that have always been most commonly wasted are now being targeted for special attention .
12 Designs are now being considered for small ice-lined cabinets for doctors ’ surgeries , so that doctors can have vaccines at hand to immunise any child who comes for treatment .
13 Unemployment levels amongst school-leavers are such that many of the casual and part-time jobs once filled by those of retirement age are now being taken by young people .
14 Fortunately , many of these loopholes are now being closed by new amendments and , hopefully , there will be less frustration for the law-enforcers who , in the past , have seen many villains slip through the net after they have worked hard to bring them to justice .
15 Very soon they were acquired by a developer and are now being marketed as individual office units .
16 Our pest control customers are now being provided with considerable detail about what they are getting for their money , which is quite right and proper .
17 Some harvesting machines are now being used in Brazilian sugar plantations and Mexican sugar and cotton fields .
18 Although continuous time econometric modelling is primary a British development the methods that were first used in modelling ( in continuous time ) the United Kingdom economy are now being used by leading research and forecasting groups throughout the world .
19 In these areas the collected land ownership results are now being used by local people to help achieve the realisation of local goals in their own communities .
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