Example sentences of "are [not/n't] [adv] [vb pp] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Moreover this form of regulation is closely associated with the emergence of new institutional machinery such as quangos , and regulatory agencies , which are not easily assimilated into orthodox public law concepts .
2 Departments , moreover , are not easily moved in new directions by the outsiders that presidents set over them .
3 Running through much of the public debate on voluntary organisations , and not entirely absent from the Wolfenden Report , is the confusion between a non-statutory organisation that provides services and can have significant or even total support from state funds , and the notion of voluntary donations of time or money , which are not exclusively given to non-statutory bodies .
4 Difficulties are posed for the review process by Oxford Polytechnic 's version of modularity , but most of these are not intrinsically produced by modular design : for example , the requirement that students study two subjects inevitably complicates review , but is not an essential feature of modular courses and frequently exists in non-modular systems .
5 Children whose families have come from other countries may have a whole range of skills that are not normally recognised in English schools .
6 Scottish solicitors ' accounts in English legal aid cases are not normally taxed by Taxing Masters in England , but under an informal arrangement are referred for scrutiny to the Central Committee Taxation Department .
7 therefore involve teaching a child to make phonemic contrasts which are not normally associated with phonological development ( Ingram 1976 ) .
8 It is for this same reason that training programmes in treatment centres are not normally considered for potential counsellor trainees until they have been in recovery for at least two years and preferably longer .
9 Individual tasks are not clearly related to whole projects , or the overall goals of the organisation , owing to specialisation of work .
10 Although this interest in pseudo-historical connections was Morgan 's primary concern , he was also one of the first anthropologists to understand that the names used to designate relatives are not simply determined by linguistic rules without reference to social factors ; kinship terms have an important social dimension , since relatives grouped together and called by the same term exhibit , at least in certain respects , shared patterns of behaviour .
11 Yet second-person pronouns are not generally accepted in academic writing , a characteristic of the idiom linked to the idea of criticism having less a given , particular reader than of an unspecified general readership .
12 In conclusion , our findings show that gastrointestinal symptoms are not generally explained by secondary infections as the pathogenic relevance of most agents detected in HIV infected patients is doubtful .
13 Meals-on-wheels are not generally provided to disabled people on the grounds that they can not afford to eat ; rather they are provided because they need assistance to prepare a meal , and providers find it more convenient to meet this need by providing the meal itself .
14 In special libraries , which are not generally attached to educational institutions , this situation does not obtain , and therefore the concept of user education may seem inappropriate .
15 Although both CL100 and haem oxygenase mRNAs are induced by oxidants they are not coordinately induced by other stress treatments .
16 The Secretary of State has asked the Employment Service to develop in 1993–94 , for possible use in 1994–5 , a target or targets for relevant elements of the Jobseeker 's charter that are not presently covered by existing Annual Performance Agreement targets .
17 You may think that there were quite a lot of us , but illegal hare coursers are not well known for verbal or physical reticence .
18 Chimps , whose vocal chords are not well adapted to human speech , have discovered how to communicate using deaf-and-dumb language ; again , this is an incredible achievement .
19 Regrettably , most overseas hotels are not well equipped for disabled holidaymakers .
20 While first quality health care may mitigate the maleffects of youthful maternal age upon the women , such favourable conditions are not ordinarily found in developing countries nor in some of the more industrialized ones .
21 While it is correct , therefore , for the Government to claim that poor families are not theoretically faced with marginal tax rates in excess of 100 per cent , it is clear that low-income families as a group face marginal tax rates of double , and sometimes treble , what the majority of the population pays .
22 Although awarded seven marks apiece — making them weedier than that old stalwart , the creeping thistle — they are not widely viewed as potential threats .
23 However , they are not widely distributed in gastrointestinal epithelia .
24 For maximum efficiency all of these drugs should be used as early as possible in the treatment of the disease since clinical signs associated with pulmonary pathology are not rapidly resolved by mere removal of adult lungworms .
25 Even at the most practical , simple level , those concerns and aspects of their lives ‘ which are not highly valued by external observers may well be amongst the most significant . ’
26 The most likely explanation for the observed high number of integrative transformants is that Tetrahymena telomeric sequences are not perfectly recognized as telomeric templates in P. anserina .
27 The graves around us on a stifling hot morning ( funerals here are not long postponed for obvious reasons ) were decorated with wilting flowers and photographs of deceased mamas and departed children .
28 The words of the Green party are not usually cited by Conservative Members to justify their own position .
29 These developments are not usually undertaken with educational applications in mind .
30 However , patent infections may develop in foals and these are not usually associated with clinical signs .
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