Example sentences of "are [adv] [det] [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Jobs , government officials say , are much less of a problem than is housing .
2 Existing rooms which need a face-lift or which you would like to have a completely new image are much more of a problem .
3 But the role and powers proposed are less those of an ombudsman than of a commissar .
4 If your talents are more those of an illustrator you should be applying to one of the commercial studios which supply agencies and magazines .
5 Give the Conservatives the credit of having played a very weak hand with great expertise , but they are still less of a threat to Labour than the SNP , now second in 35 seats .
6 Our relations from now on are strictly those of a prisoner and a warder .
7 The two most useful sizes are probably those with a floor area of 200 cm2 or 1200 cm2 and 12 cm high ( internal measurements ) .
8 The above specific items are probably enough of a change you may think .
9 For some the only problem encountered with dogs is getting the brown stuff out of their outsoles , but dogs are clearly more of a pest than this , if our postbag is anything to go by .
10 They are often more of a blockage to communication than a channel .
11 Conservationists argue that they are far less of a threat to stocks of fish such as salmon than water diversion schemes and bad logging practices .
12 WOBBLY teeth in unsound gums are as much of a problem in adults as tooth decay .
13 But the score contains a blank stave throughout the song , with clefs and key signatures for a vocal bass line , and the words are surely those of a duet :
14 Confusion and muddle resulting from mislaid books and materials involve a waste of time for any pupil , but are even more of a nuisance for one who sees poorly .
15 The letter writers among you , our readers , are very much in a minority .
16 Navy ( presumably for repair work ) ; 130 tons of bolts ; 100 tons of nails ; and 1,127 tons of sundry items of which there are very many on a vessel .
17 Because really big bream are too much of a mouthful for even the biggest pike does not mean that a big bream has lost its natural , cautious instinct .
18 The usual lairs of sniping pike , marginal rushes and other bankside vegetation , are too much of a threat to their comfort .
19 The constant changes are too much of a risk for publishers . ’
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