Example sentences of "are [adv] [vb pp] [adv prt] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Few organisations , though , are better wired in to City Hall than the municipal labour unions .
2 The people are generally called on to elect a special constituent assembly mandated to draft a constitution , though this may not always be the case — as in General de Gaulle 's constitution for the Fifth Republic .
3 I have to admit that after three years of using Q&A I have n't memorized all of the mainly function key-driven keyboard shortcuts , but those that I ca n't remember are easily brought back to mind with a tap of the F1 key which lists them .
4 Labels are thus slapped on to people with little regard for accuracy .
5 Needs are always related back to capitalism 's demand for the social reproduction of its labour force .
6 RAPID leaf movements are usually put down to changes in turgor pressure .
7 Tame Asian working elephants breed readily in captivity yet their calves are usually sold off to zoos and collectors .
8 As a result , Computerwoche reports , the Dusseldorf-based company intends to spend less time and money on attending big computer shows , and in future will spend its cash on sponsoring staff and holding symposia that are more tuned in to customer needs .
9 Direct Debit makes sure that your premiums are automatically kept up to date , and that you do n't have to worry about bills and reminders .
10 Any wounded or distressed creatures that are handed to us are carefully nursed back to health whilst our breeding programmes produce an ever-increased number of baby marine creatures , many of which are then released into the wild .
11 If you are over-weight , and must cut down the amount you eat , you will repeatedly lapse , to satisfy your cravings. persistent minor symptoms , such as headaches , aching limbs or a lack of energy are often put down to nerves or stress but they can be caused by a reaction to food .
12 Individual classes were originally developed by different specialists and are now kept up to date by individual cataloguers as new topics are added to the collections .
13 Erm , in the point that was raised from the London region , talking about resources in dealing with er regional health and safety officers and their time , part of the er document itself , is looking at consultation , so that the resource implications and the necessary action that we have to take in identifying priorities , deals with those things and those things are now opened up to discussion , er by accepting the report , and we 'll be looking at that over this next year .
14 They are frequently hauled off to prison and treated very badly , beaten and insulted , at times , even raped .
15 Ways must be found to ensure that all professionals involved in child abuse work are fully informed about the local arrangements for interprofessional co-operation , and are regularly kept up to date with new developments .
16 Over 85 per cent are then lent out to borrowers on mortgage , part of the remaining 15 per cent is used to buy liquid assets , a small part stays with the society 's bank as an increased holding of immediate liquidity , against the increase in deposit liabilities .
17 The benefit is in savings on overheads — which are then passed on to customers .
18 He collected information on the natural rafts of timber that are sometimes swept out to sea from great rivers , often bearing plants and even animals with them .
19 Constructed from structural steel sections , or occasionally of concrete , rack-supported building structures comprise of rows of back-to-back racking separated by gangways for the stacker-cranes and are commonly built up to heights of around 30 metres .
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