Example sentences of "are [vb pp] [adv] for [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As well as their daily pint of fresh milk taken in one form or another , if they can be encouraged to cook themselves some fresh green and root vegetables several times a week , so much the better , but these menus are designed primarily for old people who dislike spending much time on the preparation of their food and are unlikely to be persuaded past a certain point of effort .
2 Exactly the same comments apply to powerful programs like David Sankoff 's VARBRUL which are designed specifically for sociolinguistic analysis .
3 In Holland , it is a different situation as most of the players are students and those that are n't are compensated financially for additional time off work .
4 These are written primarily for social work practitioners and they explain the principles of the Act and associated regulations in the context of good social work practice .
5 In front gardens , lawns are paved over for off-street parking space and in the road more intrusion results from signs , barriers and other traffic-related street furniture .
6 Thus , although interest groups may look as if they are organized chiefly for public goods , in practice they are sustained by their ability to deliver selective incentives to their members which make joining worthwhile .
7 Computers are used increasingly for commercial purposes .
8 The examples used should be realistic and relevant to the pupils concerned Emphasis should also be given to the way in which percentages are used both for comparative purposes in many everyday situations and also as a numerical measure based on a 100-point scale of reference .
9 Minis are used primarily for on-line work , so they have to perform well in this respect .
10 Some of the poorest public houses have been closed and some are used now for non-licensed purposes .
11 Phillario mentions several women who are admired variously for graceful ease , inspiring eyes , a charming voice , a fair face , or raven hair .
12 Arms on the other hand are needed specifically for military use , and continued supply of arms to one side is incompatible with neutrality .
13 When this happens , however , opposing parties are usually willing to work towards a common view if they are brought together for joint discussions by a neutral .
14 Nor is government policy in general biased towards increasing competition : it often has the reverse effect because policies are brought in for other reasons than promoting allocative efficiency , as discussed later in the chapter .
15 Many grammatical processes involving re-ordering of constituents are ruled out for semantic reasons , particularly those whose semantic function is to highlight a specific semantic constituent : thus , What John pulled was his sister 's leg has no idiomatic reading , whereas What John did was pull his sister 's leg , which leaves the idiom ‘ physically ’ intact , has .
16 The most common varieties of this system ( commonly used in other member states of the European Community and in some elections in Northern Ireland ) are the single transferable vote system ( under which primary votes of the least successful candidates are progressively redistributed to the more successful ) and the list-system , under the simplest variety of which votes are cast not for particular candidates , but for parties , the ‘ list ’ of whose candidates will benefit proportionately to the party 's overall vote .
17 Most cows are kept in small sheds on terraced land and are taken out for weekly walks on the end of a rope .
18 A number of developments are singled out for brief reference .
19 Every two years , the plants are shut down for major overhaul .
20 These are outlined below for certain businesses .
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