Example sentences of "are [vb pp] [prep] [be] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The capacitive reactances are designed to be low over the operating range of frequencies compared with any incidental shunting capacitive reactance or resistance .
2 Being keen-sighted created , we are designed to be alert during the day and to sleep through the dark hours .
3 They are designed to be equivalent in standard to existing qualifications , such as those of the RSA and CGLI , and to replace them in Scotland .
4 They are designed to be positive in their orientation , emphasizing what pupils ‘ know , understand and can do ’ .
5 General SVQs are designed to be open to those who are not in work .
6 New immunosuppressive agents have been used recently and are claimed to be beneficial in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease .
7 The products are claimed to be cabable of operating as a client to Novell 's NetWare SAA communications server across Novell and TCP/IP networks .
8 Skanform panels are claimed to be ideal for covering large wall areas in environments where surfaces are constantly cleaned and a high degree of hygiene is necessary .
9 US companies are expected to be involved in the research , backed by £65 million of EC money .
10 Some development work has already been done by pharmaceutical companies and manufacturers of bottles and caps , and satisfactory child resistant containers are expected to be available for use with liquid medicines in the near future .
11 The first products supporting the Telnet/OLTP extensions are expected to be available in the middle of the year .
12 The new integrated SVQs , probably at levels II and III , are expected to be available in early autumn 1992 .
13 But you are expected to be competent with such material even if you feel this is not what you would eventually choose to work with .
14 The walkers are expected to be grateful for the left-over street space that is allocated to them and to not object when more is taken for road widening and comer-shaving , or when motorists use the remaining pavement to park on .
15 Government backbenchers are expected to be present at all stages and though they are entitled to speak for half the time available on the floor of the House , in committee they are expected neither to speak nor to move amendments but simply to keep voting for the government 's proposals .
16 A total of 23m workers ( 11.9% of the labour force ) are expected to be jobless in Europe by the end of 1994 .
17 But for the time being , the first salmon skin shoes are expected to be ready for sale in 8 weeks time .
18 Continental-crust rocks often carry a low Nd signature , but are unlikely to have low γ Os , because Re/Os ratios are expected to be high in evolved crustal litholigies .
19 It is frustrating that women are expected to be happy with the traditional women 's jobs .
20 The conditions which must be satisfied before effectively the non-resident trustees are deemed to be resident in the United Kingdom are the settlor , or where there is more than one any one of them , is at any relevant time : 1 .
21 Increasingly the qualities of leadership are deemed to be desirable for those working in the public sector .
22 Social control performs the function of defining those acts that are deemed to be harmful to the society .
23 There is no uniform or objective way of reporting events in all their detail , exactly as they happen in the real world ; the structure of each language highlights , and to a large extent preselects , certain areas which are deemed to be fundamental to the reporting of any experience .
24 My suggestion is that the evolution of subcutaneous fat in neonates and post-natal depression is an example of co-evolution and what has happened is mothers are programmed to be depressed for the first few days after birth because in primal conditions when remember this is where evolution set the parameters of human behaviour , in primal conditions it would probably pay a mother to test her new-born offspring to see if it could survive , because if it was defective or if it was sickly , or if there was some reason why that baby could n't make it to adulthood and its own reproductive life , that mother should not invest in it , because that 's her reproductive success .
25 Although the courts do not refuse in principle to review the exercise of police discretionary powers , they do nevertheless exercise a great deal of caution and restraint to such a degree that it is difficult to see how in practice the principles of judicial review are capable of being used to challenge decisions to issue warrants where these are considered to be necessary for the prevention or detection of crime .
26 The analysis has indicated that the sands are variably shaly and some anomalous log responses are considered to be due to the presence of secondary minerals , either as cement or detrital elements .
27 The thrombi are considered to be secondary to local injury , stasis or cor-pulmonale .
28 The second is that the proposals are considered to be impracticable for most small companies and their auditors .
29 It can be shown that the most general form of W in an elastic body is W = and there are two simple forms of this relation applicable to rubbers ( which are considered to be incompressible at all events in mathematical terms though they are not in the strict sense incompressible physically ) .
30 Warrington , redundant this weekend , are reported to be keen on signing the Bridgend rugby union half-backs Kevin Ellis and Aled Williams .
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