Example sentences of "are [vb pp] [verb] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The ‘ Portadown News ’ report describes the church as occupying a commanding site and with the gable where the Memorial stones are placed facing the principal approach .
2 Today reasons other than those voiced by Hale are given to justify the marital rape exemption .
3 Figures for 1971 are available on both bases and are given to indicate the potential disparity .
4 These details are given to emphasize the enormous difference of scale between any problem Howard dreamed of and the problems facing recent TDC directors .
5 Family routines are adjusted to accommodate the worsening disease .
6 Stage 2 Generic Sciences modules are intended to complement the appropriate Stage 2 Sciences modules and can be integrated into programmes as necessary .
7 These standards are intended to support the business-like approach of the ES .
8 It is hard to avoid the suspicion that Kay 's and Smith 's articles are intended to reinforce the erroneous claim that there is no scientific basis for clinical ecology .
9 They are intended to reinforce the main aim of the National Health Service — to help people live longer and enjoy a better quality of life .
10 These examples must be multicultural , if they are intended to show the universal nature of mathematics , and should also demonstrate how we move from reality to abstraction and back again .
11 By supplanting local authority planning powers in this way , UDCs are intended to remove the political uncertainty and restraints of local democracy which , in the government 's view at least , represent a significant hindrance to the development process and a deterrent to private investment ( House of Lords Select Committee , 1981 ) .
12 So as to underline that all measures are intended to benefit the young person , provisions for involuntary care have been removed and the views of the young person have to be taken into account in deciding on a form of assistance , although no steps can be taken against the wishes of the parent or guardian ( except in an emergency , s. 43 ) .
13 A large agrarian reform and related regional development programmes are designed to reincorporate the low income rural population as producers , consumers and participants in a more democratic social system .
14 The course units are designed to reflect the multidisciplinary basis of the course , and to encourage the integration of theoretical and practical aspects of a subject .
15 The reforms are designed to reverse the drastic decline in the Party 's support .
16 Such policies are designed to promote the efficient allocation of resources through the encouragement of competition , which is seen as the active progenitor of economic efficiency and welfare .
17 The measures are designed to halt the sharp decline in shark populations caused by overfishing in recent years .
18 The other class of devices are designed to detect the relative movement of freely suspended massive blocks .
19 It has made an environment assessment , and its proposals are designed to enhance the environmental interest of the area .
20 The restrictions on trading are designed to limit the potential impact of the options market on the stock market .
21 VERs are designed to protect the domestic car industry , but critics argue that consumers suffer , as some are prevented from buying the car of their choice , and that the prices of Japanese cars are higher than they would otherwise have been , thus raising Japanese profit margins ( ie profit per car sold ) .
22 They are designed to work the various muscle groups from slightly different angles , and will enable you to vary your routines according to your requirements .
23 The questions , to the Trade and Industry Secretary , Mr Nicholas Ridley , are designed to establish the full cost to the taxpayer of the Rover deal .
24 Test procedures are designed to provide the desired information in the shortest possible time .
25 My hunch is that these two popular myths of management — which are both drawn from previous experience and make the contemporary experience of the manager — are designed to mediate the rational model both to the manager himself and others so that it is more human .
26 The University may waive the GER for applicants who offer non-standard qualifications : such applicants are recommended to consult the Associate Dean of the Faculty concerned before submitting an application .
27 Concrete actions and new initiatives are recommended to restore the human dimension to its central position in development policy-making and planning .
28 Thus in effect reference centres are indistinguishable from small district hospitals , and they are expected to relieve the perceived overload at existing specialist city hospitals .
29 the uncertainties which are expected to affect the ultimate outcome .
30 PLEASE NOTE All groundhoppers are expected to wear the following regulation uniform : ‘ Donovan ’ canvas cap , blue anorak with Ford Motors logo , brown Crimplene trousers , a battered Liverpool/Spurs/Hendon hold-all , a dog-eared red ‘ Winfield ’ notebook with short two-inch pencil , filthy trainers , a hideously expensive camera and a pocket full of Mars bars .
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