Example sentences of "are [adv] [vb pp] to be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Wages for unskilled labour were the lowest , being significantly below even shop workers who are generally recognised to be among the most intensely exploited ( except that their hours were much longer ) .
2 One consequence is that the thought patterns of primitive society , being felt to lack a scientific approach , are generally felt to be beyond the bounds of reason .
3 ‘ those who are generally felt to be of high status locate science less in the journals than in their own and other peoples ’ heads ’ .
4 Brüggen directs hard-driven , almost consciously abrasive performances of these two symphonies that are generally thought to be among Beethoven 's more genial offerings .
5 Malone are already resigned to being without Stuart Duncan and regular number eight Scott Kirkpatrick until next season .
6 Plain concrete blocks are not intended to be on show , and are used mainly for constructing retaining walls which will then be faced with a decorative skin .
7 A number are not known to be from previous material , and Wulfstan may have taken them from records of Cnut 's administration .
8 Stipulations in a contract , as to time or otherwise , which according to rules of equity are not deemed to be of the essence of the contract , are construed at law in accordance with the same rules ( Law of Property Act 1925 , s41 ) .
9 Hence staff sample covertly where they can , without gaining access to the discharger 's premises ; or they sample at night or weekends when they are not expected to be at work , and any routine sampling done during the day is never by appointment :
10 Being fabricated from thin section materials the uprights are not considered to be of sufficiently robust construction to support the cladding and the roof of the building — as is typical of many structural steel high-bay structures .
11 Moreover , except in the context of a common market they are not thought to be of interest to outsiders .
12 As a rough guide two strands wound together make something approximately like three-ply in thickness and three together are usually reckoned to be about a four-ply. these fine industrial yarns used to be in the ‘ odds and ends ’ bins , but the manufacturers have caught on to the fact that they are popular with machine knitters , so now they can be bought under a brand name .
13 At least twelve prisoners are still thought to be inside the jail and refusing to give themselves up .
14 A major chain of retailers has agreed to withdraw them from sale , but hundreds are still thought to be in use .
15 His optics are internationally recognised to be of the highest quality .
16 When a girl gets married her parents are traditionally considered to be in a humiliating position vis á vis her parents-in-law .
17 It has taken several years of animated discussions among the members and their respective lawyers to arrive at these terms and conditions , which are also intended to be in line with the code of conduct adopted last year by the European federation of art dealers , FIDOAO ( Federation Internationale des Diffuseurs d'Oeuvres d'Art Originales ) .
18 Japanese customs officials have intercepted consignments of ivory bearing fake Malaysian permits , and fake permits from Cameroon are also reported to be in circulation .
19 Benefits are also thought to be in the firing line .
20 No-one should argue with the concept of greater efficiency in the BBC , but the reforms are also meant to be about decentralising power to where the creativity resides .
21 In fact , these chapters are now reckoned to be among the foremost theological statements the Bible contains .
22 What were once thought of as " mere " political " forms " are now recognized to be of far greater potential and actual importance than an exclusive concentration on economic and social power might suggest .
23 Stocks are now believed to be below the level which would allow the predicted maximum yield of 175,000 tonnes per year .
24 Only 5 per cent are now believed to be in good condition .
25 Many of these buildings are now considered to be of special interest by current standards — particularly where they possess ‘ group value ’ — and are being added to the statutory lists as these are revised .
26 Organised crime rings are now thought to be behind the increasingly professional packaging and production of the fakes … now a multi million pound market .
27 As we will discuss later , pathogens in general — including viruses — are now known to be of enormous ecological importance ( see p 132 ) .
28 ISRAEL : Six Lebanese Shi ‘ a Muslims who ‘ disappeared ’ in Lebanon in 1990 are now known to be in Israeli custody .
29 The activity posited by Brentano , secondly , is common not only to seeing and other perception , thinking in the sense of deliberating or judging , and also remembering , intending , and deciding , all of which are ordinarily thought to be in different ways active , but also pain and other sensations , dreaming , experiencing an emotion , and being subject to a mood , all of which are thought to be in different ways passive .
30 Clearly , where the State decides to draw this line determines how many are officially recognised to be in poverty .
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