Example sentences of "are [art] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Sportsmen , no less than other black kids , are the recipients of pressure from both parents to do well at school .
2 Public statutes are the will of Parliament for the whole country and apply to local authorities of each class alike , whereas private statutes apply to the local authority which obtains from Parliament the private statute .
3 Death and violence are the accompaniments to negotiation as South Africa struggles forward to elections next year .
4 As ketamine has a good physical safety profile and an established place in medicine within current indications what are the reasons for concern about its non-medical use ?
5 And then beyond that there are the layers of discretion at the prosecution stage and in the court .
6 Are the ones at home like that ?
7 The political practices are the principles of organization of the system .
8 So to get the point of this so sometimes servants are the butt of humour in the play
9 The first two autobiographies , that is to say , are the kind of book to which a tradition of literary interpretation has been inimical , imagining for itself a literature of impersonality , in which autobiography is subsumed , invisible .
10 These are the areas of manufacture to which the proto-industrialists have largely confined their researches .
11 In other words , what are the areas of weakness in science teaching , and why ?
12 In other words , what are the areas of weakness in science teaching , and why ?
13 The most important things to bear in mind as far as voice is concerned are the frequency of use of active , passive , and similar structures in the source and target languages , their respective stylistic value in different text types , and — most important of all — the function(s) of the passive and similar structures in each language .
14 Its limitations are the lack of information on temporary workers employed on open-ended contracts and casual workers , on occupations of temporary workers , on employers ' reasons for using such labour and on associated wage and other costs .
15 For a while people were beginning to think , well , this is just them , this is their problem , let them settle this , but the problems of a specific group within the society are the problems of society as a whole .
16 You are the spirit of woman in this frozen land .
17 Today , ecological and women 's issues are the equivalent of Ostpolitik for us . ’
18 What are the forms of threat to rationality ?
19 The doyen of the ex-Vietnam set is Tim Page , a photographer whose frequent brushes with death are the stuff of legend among the press corps .
20 Keyworth said then that anti-missile lasers are the stuff of fantasy for the next few decades .
21 That was their stake and it detonated the kind of politics which are the stuff of socialism in our society .
22 On this model the fixed junctions are the sources of load for the network , such loads being transferred along chains to the free junctions , moving them in accordance with the strain .
23 Local authority direct labour organisations are the cornerstones of training in construction .
24 What are the rules of admission to the pantheon ?
25 The difficulty seems to arise within the membership in knowing exactly what areas of responsibility each section has , what are the rules of debate for sectional conferences , are decisions taken at sectional conferences binding on the union rulebook relating to that section and within all of this sectionalization , what role does the Apex conference now play , as those members , like myself , are presumably within one of the other sections too .
26 Prima facie these are the rules in force at the time when he became a member .
27 Although they are the letters of instruction from an older devil to a younger , Screwtape 's sense of what the Enemy ( i.e. God ) is preparing for his servants can not fail to break through .
28 To Wagner , therefore , he could write in a different tone : " I prefer not to say a word about the German victories : these are the letters of fire on the wall , intelligible to all peoples . "
29 Even with this care , however , so great are the quantities of drift-net in use that the loss of some of the millions of kilometres of netting deployed each year is inevitable .
30 For example , given that streets must be dug up and completely reconstructed to create a Woonerf , there are the complexities of coordination with utilities which use the street as conduits for pipes and cables .
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