Example sentences of "are [adj] of [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In such a time anyone who lacks the courage to be curious and questioning , the capacity to grow into new competencies , and the confidence to communicate and collaborate with others , is severely handicapped , and his or her educators are guilty of gross dereliction of duty .
2 ‘ You realise that you are guilty of withholding information in a murder case ? ’
3 We for our part are unaware of any statement of national policy that requires sparsely populated counties to be earmarked for development .
4 The set-pieces are derivative of any number of second-rate movies ( with one particularly blatant steal from Turner and Hooch ) .
5 ‘ Why bother ? ’ and ‘ who cares ? ’ are phrases that are typical of this lack of energy .
6 Most of the houses in the streets are villas — each one quite different from its neighbour and built with the warm golden limestone blocks that are typical of this part of the country
7 Some records are worthy of special comment at the beginning of this chapter for they are sources that every family and local historian must learn to use straight away if he is to gain any understanding of the period before the Industrial Revolution .
8 Slender and delicate branching patterns with many fine subdivisions are characteristic of this kind of fern .
9 All have the banded or varved iron formations that are characteristic of this episode in earth history .
10 Yet the what , the why and the how are all of integral importance in mainstream education .
11 The member firms are all of similar size with a proven range of complementary specialist skills , an established corporate and commercial presence and a well-defined geographical area .
12 These factors are all of great importance in conveying attitudes and emotions , yet the traditional handbooks on English pronunciation have almost completely ignored them .
13 An article in the Evening News of 1954 suggested that ‘ Teddy Boys … are all of unsound mind in the sense that they are all suffering from a form of psychosis .
14 It says : ‘ The individuals who vandalise the building are destitute of any sense of knowledge .
15 The country 's 49 provinces are under appointed governors , and the 2,348 elected local councils are independent of central government in local administration .
16 Redheads are particularly vulnerable , but so are those of Celtic origin with dark hair , very pale skins and pale blue or light grey eyes .
17 But the rest have to make up their minds soon , because portable computer owners are short of good software for their computers .
18 Most of these islands are short of fresh water in summer and rely on tankers from the mainland .
19 Mozart 's visit to Berlin is well documented from his frequent letters to his wife , which are full of affectionate concern for her health ( she was , of course , pregnant once more ) , and anxiety for the propriety of her conduct in his absence .
20 Their homes are full of all manner of possessions .
21 The shelves are full of wonderful food at this time of year and I thought of how I could binge and throw up all day long .
22 Wolfgang 's letters home to his mother and sister are full of childish prattle about the places they visited and the people they met , such as the remarkable singer Lucrezia Aguiari — ‘ La Bastardella ’ — who could dispatch incredibly high notes with effortless ease .
23 The fact of Darwinian evolution and the fact of the irrefutable need of mankind for a ‘ god ’ are capable of complete harmonisation within the tenets of the Alternative Religion .
24 He is a genuine hate-figure for the libertarian left , who are capable of splendid outrage at the mention of his name .
25 Many people believe that cats are capable of some kind of extra-sensory perception , but they are not .
26 Some foxes , mongooses and weasels are capable of this type of defence and doubtless give the hungry predators the sensation that perhaps , after all , the food object they are pursuing is not so tasty .
27 But the higher animals are capable of considerable flexibility in adjusting their behaviour to widely differing ( and continuously changing ) circumstances , where the relevant ‘ parameters ’ are structural features , rather than physical ones ( such as angle-of-approach ) .
28 Ecologically-based silviculture classifies the regeneration characteristics or syndromes into three major but overlapping categories , viz. ( i ) the pioneers ( partially fire-tolerant ) and the gapfillers ( fire-sensitive ) , both incapable of establishment or growth in the shade , e.g. Albizia , Tectona ( teak ) , Ochroma ( balsa ) , Macaranga ; ( ii ) trees of the consolidation phase , which are only capable of rapid growth when exposed , i.e. are light-demanding later in life , e.g. Swietenia , Shorea , Triplochiton ( obeche ) , Khaya , Carapa ; and ( iii ) the trees that are shade-bearers throughout life and are incapable of rapid growth in the sun. e.g. Ocotea .
29 Its characteristics are remarkably consistent considering the wide cultural span , and are suggestive of some reality behind the accounts found in ancient philosophy , esoteric writings and the work of researchers into the unorthodox .
30 There are two of each animal on each side of the road : elephants , camels , horses , as well as very engaging mythical beasts rather like unicorns and dragons .
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