Example sentences of "are [adj] [verb] in [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Chapter 10 explained that although the four macroeconomic objectives listed earlier are each related in some manner to the level of demand , the relationship is by no means uniform or in the same direction .
2 We are therefore looking to YOU — Perhaps you are prepared to help in some way ? ? ?
3 However , he knows that several countries , including Britain , are willing to help in that process .
4 It is envisaged that , if the Friends are willing to help in this way , properly trained volunteers , who would have to be members of the Friends organisation and who would have their approval , could help with special events and special projects , where existing staff do not have sufficient time to carry out the work .
5 Machines are easy to use in this coalfield because the seams are fairly thick ; at seven different levels in the pits they vary from 1 m to 2 m in thickness .
6 Unfortunately , only diatomic molecules are easy to study in this way , as larger molecules almost invariably fragment on excitation , but a vast amount of information has been obtained for atoms and diatomic molecules .
7 These steps are likely to result in many employees ' worries being reduced and their attitudes towards relocation abroad becoming more favourable .
8 He is at pains to assure us that he will do so We are privileged to share in these Machiavellian plans ( the word ‘ reach ’ has such connotations : ‘ overreach ’ is when the Machiavel attempts too much ) , and we see them fulfilled in the brilliant wooing scene that follows .
9 There are , however , cases which are hard to explain in this way , ; examples are the ability of a rat to find a submerged support , and of a goby to leap to a pool it can not see .
10 She insists that we should see God primarily as all loving , and claims that ‘ ’ Love is his meaning'' and that we are all enfolded in that love .
11 We are all to blame in some way .
12 It is , however , a disturbing aspect of what are , after all , statutory regulations , that many farmers are reluctant to attempt in any way to address these problems .
13 Perfect or absolute Truth , which is known by faith , is beyond our empirical grasp which means that we must act in the knowledge that we are holding on to such truth as we are able to apprehend in this world .
14 It should also mean that when Mr , that 's it , says the nurses were marvellous , the nurses are able to say in all evidence , and with evidence to support their opinion , yes
15 Some children are able to discriminate in this way between people they know and people they do not ; while it has been noted that institutional children tend to show less anxiety at a strange face since there is no regular " caretaker " .
16 Please contact Mr Davies at 5 , Woodside , Harrogate , N. Yorks , HG1 5NG if you are able to help in any way .
17 And they are able to contribute in this way precisely because they are not determined by social factors , but possess the trait generally labelled autonomy .
18 At the moment only 2 of us are available to train in this hospital as we are the only ones ‘ certified ’ .
19 Now that European Community funds are available to assist in that process , what success did our right hon. Friend the Secretary of State have in his dealings with Commissioner Millan over his request for support for the gas and electricity interconnectors from the mainland to Northern Ireland , which would reduce energy costs in the Province ?
20 Moreover , IR absorption spectra are difficult to record in this way , as photographic recording is effectively useless in the IR .
21 Both planning and control are difficult to achieve in this form of production .
22 Plants which have very aromatic leaves are delightful to plant in such areas , as the hot sun helps release the aromatic oils , and the fragrant air which results adds another dimension to the pleasure of eating or sitting outdoors .
23 ‘ ( 1 ) Does Community law affect the conditions under which a member state lays down rules for determining which vessels are entitled to register in that state , to fly its flag and carry its nationality ?
24 ‘ ( 1 ) Does Community law affect the conditions under which a member state lays down rules for determining which vessels are entitled to register in that state , to fly its flag and carry its nationality ?
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