Example sentences of "are [verb] [conj] [v-ing] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Gains or losses from this notional disposal are treated as accruing at the time of the intra-group transfer .
2 A third of the women in the ‘ specials ’ are diagnosed as suffering from a psychopathic disorder , compared with less than a quarter of the men .
3 They are regarded as belonging to an earlier age of superstition and ignorance .
4 It is also what is involved when modern descriptions of the moon 's trajectory are retained and observation statements referring to the fact that the moon is much larger when it is near the horizon than when it is high in the sky are regarded as resulting from an illusion , even though the cause of the illusion is not well understood .
5 Specific offline requests from LIFESPAN users are included while checking for the limit having been reached . )
6 The homoeopathic remedies with their powerful patterning effect , perhaps along the lines of cellular automata concepts , are visualized as spreading through the body and counteracting the imbalance , so restoring the tissues to harmony and balance .
7 It will also raise a few problems for sportsmen and sportswomen who are training or competing in a new time zone to which they have not yet adjusted .
8 On the " objectual " interpretation , the quantifiers are seen as ranging over the objects within a specified domain of discourse and generally as vehicles for rendering the " ontological commitment " underlying the statements of a theory explicit .
9 Both literature and social or cultural reality are de fined by structuralist theory in semiotic terms , so that ( as in the Bakhtinian theory ) they are seen as belonging to the same order .
10 It is recognised that the established electoral system does discriminate against third parties securing seats in proportion to votes , but this is defended because of the virtues that are seen as flowing from the fact that the system helps to ensure that just one party has a secure majority in the Commons and is therefore able to form a government without the need for coalition .
11 ‘ Suddenly , you are living and playing in a way you have n't since you were a child .
12 So these particular species of bat or whale are living and working in a sonar world .
13 We need to continually spotcheck that we are living and working in the light of that assumption .
14 These effects are interpreted as arising from the distortion of space–time in the presence of matter .
15 It seems likely that this entailment is interfering with antagonism in 49 — both events are interpreted as happening to the ‘ global door ’ , of which the door-panel is a part .
16 These are classed as belonging to a retail organisation with ten or more branches , each selling a similar range of merchandise .
17 The Consumer Credit Act 1974 can prove particularly useful when buying goods by mail order , because , with all due respect to the advertiser , you do n't always know much about where your hard earned wages are going when ordering from a paper or magazine .
18 Children are assessed while staying at the Institute for up to four weeks ( this may be extended in some cases ) .
19 Bands appear in the streets , and folklore groups are dancing and singing in the central reservations and gardens of Funchal .
20 I can see now that they are dancing and processing around the boma .
21 We are worried at the emotional impact on the children if bodies are coming and going into the church to be washed .
22 We are examining and consulting on the particular position of the Territorial Army .
23 Many more women are entering and progressing through the profession .
24 Their visibility or otherwise , the ways in which they are coded , policed , censored , constructed , praised or punished , the ways in which and levels at which they are represented as engaging with the viewer , and the contexts in which women 's bodies are placed in images and how images of women 's bodies are then distributed and consumed — all this adds up to a subtle politics of the representation of women 's bodies .
25 Responsible leaders want to know how people are growing in their understanding of the Christian faith , whether relationships are deepening and extending throughout the church-fellowship , and to what extent the Christian presence is evident in the community outside .
26 Duties are changing and accumulating at a faster rate than they can be successfully discharged .
27 Several factors are described as contributing to the diagnostic delay — presence of serious concurrent injuries and paucity of pathognomonic clinical signs ; simultaneous lung injuries may mask or mimic the diagnosis radiologically .
28 In consequence , the Sadducees — having yoked their interests to Rome and enjoying unique prerogatives in the Temple — would have reacted to Jesus precisely as they are described as doing in the Gospels .
29 Stoddard 's Engineering and Tuners will be well practised at crossing the Atlantic by the time these matches are established and running on the other side of ‘ the pond ’ .
30 If you are dieting and exercising with a friend , make a point of noticing their progress too .
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