Example sentences of "this [was/were] [adv] [vb pp] to be " in BNC.

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1 This was generally considered to be brilliant , although it seems to me that it was as much my father 's achievement as my own , and probably perceived unconsciously by him as such .
2 This was widely thought to be a good omen .
3 This was widely thought to be the factor which attracted Iranians to the Pasdaran and others , young and old , to the baeej , or volunteer corps .
4 He was also considered in some quarters to be less than entirely open in his Turf operations : his trainer Tom Coulthwaite had had his licence withdrawn earlier in 1913 over the running of two Ismay horses , though this was widely held to be an injustice .
5 This was clearly intended to be a show of strength and involved a group of men simply taking the law into their own hands , ’ she said .
6 This was clearly intended to be used not only during the workshop to receive the professionally published course material [ not the usual duplicated sheets ] but as a personal organizer which would be a continual reminder to the participant of the course content .
7 This was later discovered to be the case .
8 This was later found to be a general property of toroidal discharges , including pinches and tokamaks .
9 This was later found to be untrue , as neither of her daughters nor her son received any schooling or tuition of any sort for the five weeks they were away .
10 Although this was later found to be correct , there was no way of telling how true it was at the time .
11 ( This was later found to be so ) .
12 This was later proved to be a nonsense as the Hadfield-Manchester section was converted a couple of years after closure of the rest of the system .
13 Whereas in March 1989 a public-sector debt repayment ( PSDR ) of nearly £14,000 million in 1989-90 had been forecast [ see p. 36529 ] , this was now expected to be only just over £7,000 million , and a broadly similar PSDR of £6,900 million was currently projected for 1990-91 .
14 By 1936 , the year of Rowntree 's second survey in York , 15 per cent of the poor were found to be old people , but this was still adjudged to be a far less significant cause of poverty than unemployment or low wages .
15 Stocks of the attached leaflet have almost run out and as this was always intended to be an interim in-house production we now feel we should produce a glossier version on a better quality paper in the style of the leaflets we have recently produced for Community Care and Assessment .
16 This is particularly true , and actually is what I 'm leading to in this story is that three years later , when Robert Priest hit Esquire two years later , the Rolling Stone look was supplanted by the Esquire look in terms of popular design and imagination , and I remember people said to me ‘ well Roger what are you going to do , your style is out of date ’ and my reaction to this was ‘ well , hold on a second , it 's not my style for one , and number two this is just traditional style , this was never intended to be a trend ’ , and fortunately it 's sort of gone — right now it 's back — so Rolling Stone even picked up the format that , you know , the Morris–Jenson typeface that we did for headline and stuff , and it 's back in there .
17 This was once thought to be a productive and praiseworthy way to make the best of almost useless land ; but now environmental groups point out how this practice can involve the destruction of important wet-land and wilderness .
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