Example sentences of "this [is] not [verb] that [det] " in BNC.

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1 This is not to say that such comment is wholly wrong ; merely to say that it lacks precision , finesse .
2 This is not to say that such courses would not also encourage an awareness of wider theoretical implications or the kind of appraisal I have associated with education , but this would be more in the manner of a long-term investment rather than something expected to yield immediate returns , something which might influence attitude rather than instigate action .
3 This is not to say that such proposals must be accepted at face-value but they should be subjected to specific criticism rather than rejected in toto as merely a device for getting workers to ‘ participate ’ in their own exploitation .
4 111.9 ) , although this is not to say that such illustrations were never used ( note the ignorant copying of inscriptions in the Rudston Venus mosaic : pI .
5 This is not to say that such clauses will be ineffective .
6 However , this is not to say that many forms of life have not been able to adapt to life on slopes up to the 10,000-ft ( 3,050 m ) level , and in some cases higher .
7 This is not to say that all the stages are equally well-represented and well-understood .
8 This is not to say that all care orders were welcomed by the families ; and there is clearly the possibility that , while this intervention was favoured by the parents , it was resented by the children .
9 This is not to say that all conflict is constructive .
10 This is not to say that all criticism is unjustified .
11 This is not to say that all theories of legitimacy are only or merely ‘ rationalizations ’ ; rather , it is to say that they have an element of rationalization in them .
12 This is not to say that all members of an epistemic sub-culture — say economics or anthropology or even nebulous professionally oriented clusterings of knowledge such as pharmacy or business studies subscribe to the dominant concepts , theories and approaches of the corpus .
13 This is not to say that all investors or brokers are compulsive gamblers any more than to say that all drinkers are alcoholic .
14 Finally , it must be stressed that while many of the entries are arguably early , this is not to say that all have been correctly dated .
15 This is not to say that these termites have no perception of the earth 's magnetic field .
16 This is not to say that these features are not present within more clay-rich or carbonate mud-rich sediments .
17 This is not to say that any successful behavioural therapist does so and , such is the strength of the sexual element in marital or long-term extra-marital partnership , that assistance with the physical difficulties which arise is often invaluable as a tool in overcoming their underlying causes .
18 This is not to say that those who signed the majority Report were disingenuous .
19 This is not to say that some good pieces of research do not emerge from almost accidental findings of research workers .
20 This is not to say that either of the above decisions was necessarily wrong .
21 This is not to argue that these practices should not be abhorred and punished by society but it is to say that the underlying tendency may be addictive in nature and may therefore require the specific treatment appropriate for any addictive disease .
22 This is not to deny that some young mothers do have short-term relationships and one-night stands , but the ones that get " caught " are more often those who are in love and in a steady relationship .
23 This is not to imply that this form of historical revisionism is ideologically neutral or objective .
24 ( This is not to imply that any of the individuals involved were not qualified for the positions they held ) .
25 This is not to assume that these interests are homogeneous and without serious contradictions ( Chambliss 1981 ) .
26 This is not to suggest that each of the sample antiracist statements does not have something pertinent to say about the particular instance of racism which it privileges as paradigmatic .
27 This is not to suggest that all , or indeed any , should be discarded ; if England have to go for maturity and hope for the best , so be it .
28 This is not to suggest that all the anti-Hanoverian crowds were encouraged from above ; as Nicholas Rogers has shown , patrician involvement seems to have become less common after the early stages of unrest , and increasingly the riots in most areas appear to have been led from below by more lowly types .
29 This is not to suggest that such observation is itself a straightforward method of investigation .
30 This is not to suggest that such effects can be achieved only by poets .
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