Example sentences of "this [is] by [prep] [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 More recently , there has been a flood of more conventional sexual harassment claims brought by women , including women occupying executive roles in large companies ; this is by no means exclusively a problem of women on the factory floor or in the typing pool who have reacted adversely to what their male colleagues and superiors may have tried to excuse as ‘ a bit of harmless fun ’ .
2 This is by no means invariably the case , however .
3 It should also be clear that although there is a general tendency for speech to be more reciprocal and writing to be less so , this is by no means necessarily true , and the reciprocal-non-reciprocal cline , like the formal-informal cline , cuts across the distinction between speech and writing .
4 We 've subsequently discovered that this is by no means necessarily true .
5 This is by no means as quick and easy as using the colour changer , but at least the designs are a possibility .
6 As Dennis McKerlie reveals , this is by no means as straightforward as might be imagined .
7 Unfortunately this is by no means always unambiguously helpful .
8 Some " disappeared " prisoners are transferred because there has been much publicity about their capture , but this is by no means always the case .
9 But this is by no means always true .
10 The decisions must be made where the knowledge is and this is by no means always in the manager 's office .
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