Example sentences of "this [is] that the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The first principle of this is that the universe of ideas in traditional societies is characterized by one single undisputed ‘ doxa ’ , while in modern societies principles of ‘ heterodoxy ’ and ‘ orthodoxy ’ engage in struggle .
2 This is that the work of such authors as Harré , Goffman , Freud and Ardrey remain insufficiently ‘ social ’ .
3 This is that the evaluation of a company 's prospects is ultimately a matter of subjective judgment , and hence what ‘ economists frequently characterize as quantifiable risks are in reality uncertainties of such large and incalculable proportions as to intimidate investors and send them scurrying to the seemingly safer ground of follow-the-leader ’ .
4 The main reason for this is that the liabilities of the major investing institutions are are primarily nominal , although some pensions are index-linked .
5 What emerges when we do this is that the philosophy in question was originally fashioned to suit scientists .
6 The significance of this is that the head of it , who had the status of a minister , need no longer be approved by the Soviet parliament , with the potential embarrassment of being rejected .
7 The writer of this book has to confess that so far he has been so hidebound by tradition that he has not yet brought himself to write key-signatures for the horns , but he admits that the only argument in favour of this is that the lack of signature acts as a guide to the conductor 's eye in spotting the horn parts in the score .
8 One of the few established facts about psychotic illness is that it runs in families and only the most stubborn social theorist could now deny that one reason for this is that the disposition to it , at least , is partly inherited .
9 One theory to explain this is that the pigmentation of the skin may affect the sensitivity of the nerve-endings , so that chestnuts may be more sensitive to outside stimuli than say bays , therefore making them more likely to over-react .
10 The conclusion from all this is that the state of the economy will have a crucial effect on the demand for and supply of money .
11 The reason for this is that the circumstances of the situation are just as much a cause of behaviour as the underlying motive .
12 But there is another reason why communities like Belfast are difficult to deal with , and this is that the phonology of such communities is not usually adequately described and codified beforehand , whereas more information of this kind is available for varieties closer to ‘ standard ’ English .
13 This is that the strategy of the structure plan from the beginning was to seek a progressive reduction in the rate of house-building in the county by seeking a progressive excuse me .
14 The reason for this is that the length of the season , and the level of activity within it , is less predictable than at Christmas time .
15 The reason given for this is that the costs of installing and maintaining an accounting information system that computes individual cost centre rates is complex and expensive .
16 The reason for this is that the number of tucks within the work distorts the knit stitches in such a way that they rise up above the surface of the knitting , forming a very three-dimensional effect .
17 The distinction between those cases and this is that the lawyer for the other can immediately attack the one — there is somebody there to protect the reputation of each defendant who is in the court — but in a case such as that which has affected my hon. and learned Friend the Member for Leicester , West , there is no such opportunity to defend oneself .
18 A consequence of this is that the rate of spreading along a ridge will be a function of the sine of the angular distance from the pole of rotation ; the greater the distance from the pole of rotation : the greater the rate of spreading ( up to an angle of 90 ) .
19 The reason for this is that the renewal of fixed capital is normally to maintain existing production levels .
20 All texts must be read in order for them to ‘ exist ’ ; the corollary of this is that the mode of their existence in the world depends on how they are read .
21 ONE of the joys of being responsible for a column like this is that the search for news creates opportunities to become involved in developments which are normally outside the availability of most enthusiasts .
22 The implication of this is that the introduction of leguminous crops to non-indigenous areas might well benefit , in terms of productivity enhancement , by the associated introduction of rhizobial strains .
23 An implication of this is that the contents of the operand field may be modified in accordance with the addressing mode field before being used as a literal value ; this allows some alteration of the value ( for example , by adding the contents of an index register ) without altering the instruction .
24 One deduction we might draw from this is that the examples of Anderson 's modesty noted above , when seen in the context of his more pompous utterances and these attempts to preserve his academic credibility , are more likely to be viewed simply as superficial politeness strategies than as being genuinely meant .
25 The significance of this is that the orbits of planets , like the earth , around the sun would be unstable : the least disturbance from a circular orbit ( such as would be caused by the gravitational attraction of other planets ) would result in the earth spiraling away from or into the sun .
26 This is that the hybrids between species are often — indeed , almost always — of low fitness compared to their parents .
27 The danger of this is that the fear of an award of damages against it would unduly encourage the authority to reach the same decision again , thus creating an appearance of bias .
28 The consequence of this is that the copyright in any program so written will , prima facie and in the absence of any agreement otherwise , belong to the freelance programmer .
29 The point of all this is that the personality of the individual who chooses to learn sign language must therefore be one which can resolve these tensions or pressures from the community and invoke sufficient motivation to ensure success .
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