Example sentences of "this [adj] [noun sg] [conj] [pron] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Trainer Ian Duncan , whose stable is on the shores of Lough Neagh , was also scoring his first win in this historic race although he had gone close when Camlin River was beaten by Phillipinetown Lad a few years ago .
2 It was Cizek 's reputation that drew him to Vienna ; it was the spirit of this outstanding man that he brought to his life 's work in Yorkshire .
3 Saint Basil was so enchanted by this selfless action that he concluded his comments with the words ‘ If things seen are so lovely , what must things unseen be ? ’
4 Ramsay had barely digested this sorry information when he learned more .
5 It was at this point that I came face to face with the realisation that human beings could be studied like other animals , and I went on , past chimpanzees , to investigate the behaviour of this strange creature that I christened The Naked Ape .
6 ‘ And it was only when we were tucked up in her freezing room in Charlotte Street that I got this strange feeling and I said , ‘ But you 're not Janet , are you ? ’
7 The commons played a more substantial and a more independent part in this political crisis than they had done in the conflicts of Edward I 's last years and Edward II 's reign , and they showed some awareness of their power to demand concessions in return for agreeing to the king 's financial demands .
8 Imagine his face if she told him the truth : that , far from not liking him , she was labouring under this absurd fantasy that she loved him — for how else could she explain the turmoil that heaved inside her mind and body ?
9 Tallboy himself was not without sympathy for this apocalyptic vision but it occurred to him to wonder who Jefferson thought the forces of justice were .
10 They hand-made him this acoustic guitar and I thought it was really beautiful , so I thought I 'd like something like that .
11 Twice the director stopped him to urge restraint , but television was too new a trick for this old sea-dog and he rampaged on , regardless .
12 Cos I w he was , he was in the Post Office one day and he saw this old woman and she 'd just cashed all her giros and this bloke just nicked it in the Post Office .
13 I think he might have tried , thinking that he must fulfill this sexual desire that he had in some way .
14 Whenever a favourable opportunity offered , Captain McKellar obligingly allowed me the use of a boat , and by this means enabled me to collect nearly all the species of this interesting family that we fell in with … ’
15 This makes the special position of the maternal uncle seem even more anomalous , and led Junod to suppose that we could only understand this peculiar relationship if we assumed that it represented an anachronistic throwback or ‘ survival ’ of an earlier matriarchal stage .
16 The introduction of the poll tax or community charge was meant to replace this unpleasant practice but it failed .
17 The Act did not provide a clear answer to this crucial question and it depended very much on the courts .
18 Murad II came out of retirement to inflict a severe defeat on this motley force when he confronted them at Varna .
19 The boy or girl was not ‘ a blank piece of paper on which the teacher should write ’ , and it was in this liberal spirit that he condemned drill : ‘ Military drill fashions him to an approved standard as part of the machine ; whereas the aim of Scouting is to develop his personal character and initiative . ’
20 It is clear even at this early date that he had his eyes on a brigade structure , because his brother William , ‘ Bill ’ , was in process of raising 2 SAS Regiment in Algeria .
21 This masked figure that you saw — you 're certain that it was not your master . ’
22 Her father had to be told ; Tony was terrified of this joint meeting but it went all right .
23 Peter Maunder had some answers to this tropical question when he spoke to members of the Alton Horticultural Society .
24 She dearly wanted a coffee and brandy to end this uncomfortable night but she wanted to say goodbye and get it over with more , and somehow the merriment of the people added to her stress .
25 I still had this uncomfortable feeling that I did know her .
26 It was no doubt in this jocular spirit that he wrote a letter to The Times on 29 November suggesting the need of a Society for the Preservation of Ancient Cheeses .
27 I was deeply imbued with the historic and cultural spells of this monumental structure when I took my first walk round the cloisters of the inner courtyard , whose first-floor gallery , open to the sky , is beautifully panelled and wainscoted .
28 He appeared philosophical on being informed of this startling revelation but it wounded him , more than he would show .
29 Sir Francis Chichester sailed in this little yacht when he tried to equal the Cutty Sark 's voyage times .
30 ‘ Kalliste was the name given to this little lady before it became either Thera or Santorini , and a more singularly inapt name I can not imagine .
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