Example sentences of "this [noun sg] came [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 This question came out of the side of her mouth and Millie , quick to catch on , muttered , ‘ Ten . ’
2 Er , just this this woman came round to the door last night and said well er , you know the in bi English Dictionary ?
3 The inspector was standing in a public place at the time , and of course this message came up over the radios of all police officers on the Division …
4 It has worked well until recently , when it failed to boot to drive C and this message came up on the screen :
5 erm I 've always believed that consistency is an overrated virtue so I 'm not gon na criticise the Conservatives for changing their minds but you have to ask yourself why is this recorded on the agenda today when the sub-committee , planning sub- committee has already met and discussed these matters and things have moved on a little further Well we we really have to look at how the resolution in this paragraph came about in the first place .
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