Example sentences of "this [noun sg] had be [vb pp] to " in BNC.

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1 It is not clear whether either of the two villages used in this study had been exposed to the experimental Concentrated Reinforcement Programme or not .
2 The fine for such an offence when this rule had been applied to the original directors of the House of Industry in 1794 was £20 it had now risen to £100 .
3 Earlier , this obsession had been carried to absurd lengths with the determined pursuit of Sarah Tisdall and Clive Ponting .
4 This probe had been shown to be better than actin as a control for the amount and quality of total ribonucleic acid loaded .
5 By the early 1980s this strategy had been linked to the idea of local government acting as a mobilising force for working-class organisations and radical action groups of various kinds ( Blunkett and Green 1983 ; Gyford 1983b ; Boddy and Fudge 1984 ; Seyd 1987:Ch. 6 ) .
6 This paper had been given to all councillors by an official of Orkney Islands Council .
7 This territory had been annexed to Poland after its occupation by the Red Army at the end of the Second World War , a situation accepted de facto by the Western powers at the Potsdam conference of July-August 1945 ( the northern part of East Prussia being at the same time incorporated into the Soviet Union ) .
8 So they might well have had convenient discussions with the N R A as late as Friday even though their letter preem the Inspectorate 's letter was written on the eighth of September and Friday of course was the day after this letter had been released to us on our request and was was two days after the Selby committee had met on Wednesday .
9 This hospital had been converted to a centre for research and instruction in the venereal diseases , and , by a happy coincidence , this was a time of great advances in the field .
10 Schnabel had paid $12.1 million ( £6.6 million ) for it in 1989 , but expectations for this sale had been downsized to $6 million ( £3.29 million ) .
11 By the summer of 1991 the proposed site for this monstrosity had been shifted to the village of Mer on the other side of the Loire .
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