Example sentences of "this [noun sg] was [that] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 One result of this change was that the number of households enumerated was about 300 thousands more under the new definition or about 13 per cent ( Todd and Griffiths , 1986 ) .
2 One reason for this change was that the programme was to widen its coverage .
3 The significant feature of this case was that the creditor 's solicitors had specifically written independently to the elderly parents , enclosing the forms of charge with a letter addressed to each , advising them to seek independent legal advice before signing .
4 The next point which posed a problem in this case was that the clause was unlimited in geographical area and the business of Littlewoods was solely within the UK whereas the businesses of the GUS group were worldwide .
5 ‘ ( a ) Allegations . ( i ) The allegation in this case was that the respondent had obtained a 70 per cent .
6 What proved particularly shocking in this instance was that the licensing of firearms was so haphazard that a 16-year-old Whitechapel youth , who had already stood trial on a charge of wounding his 16-year-old girlfriend with a revolver , could obtain a licence at a later date without even having to show proof of his age .
7 The justification for this practice was that the dealer who could do business with such clients would thrive in the dealing room proper where he stood a chance of getting reasonable leads .
8 One of the arguments used to justify this result was that the Attorney-General 's decision could and should be questioned , if at all , only in Parliament .
9 One result of this attitude was that the strain placed by warfare on the economies of most European States was less than the mere number of men engaged in fighting might seem to indicate , since these were drawn so largely from the least productive elements of society .
10 The only fault I could find with this machine was that the indicator lights for Caps , Num and Scroll Lock did n't work .
11 The point of this betrothal was that the castles of the Vexin controlled communications between Paris and Rouen .
12 With logic like this carrying the day , it is little wonder that one dissenting judge observed that the only rule of law governing merger cases in this period was that the government always won .
13 The effect of this lenience was that the yield of 4s. in the pound on landed incomes and 2s. 8d. on goods actually fell during Elizabeth 's reign — a period of rising prices and of growing prosperity for the propertied classes — from about £140,000 at the beginning of the reign to about £85,000 at the end .
14 Crucial to this development was that the war , by increasing the number of taxpayers and creating a fear of inflation among the equally increased number of small savers , offered important opportunities for a party that could pose as the defender of low taxes , low public expenditure , and monetary rectitude .
15 All Barbara could tell me when she rang this morning was that the police had found Paul 's body and that of a tramp , ’ he paused , ‘ with injuries to their throats . ’
16 The principal assumption in this valuation was that the investment return would exceed general salary inflation by 1.5 per cent .
17 The principal assumption in this valuation was that the investment return would be 3 per cent per annum compound higher than the rate of earnings increase .
18 First , the winning of civil rights during and after the eighteenth century : in a number of important cases the courts developed the doctrine that the individual was free to do anything which was not made unlawful by a specific law ; and the corollary of this approach was that the state could not interfere with the civil and political liberties of its citizens ( in those days ‘ subjects ’ ) unless the government could persuade Parliament to pass legislation authorising the interference .
19 This certainty was that the Spice Islands , the Moluccas , lay at the farthest side of the Mar del Sur , or of whatever might lie beyond the waters that Balboa saw .
20 The flaw in this idea was that the Assembly was to have no executive powers and no powers to make or unmake ministers .
21 A corollary of this view was that the content of the rules of natural justice could be relatively fired and certain .
22 The difference this time was that the batsman had no touched it , so it was no catch .
23 The result of this Meditatio was that the monk or nun experienced the truths of faith in an entirely new way .
24 The consequence of this decline was that the government was able to say by the autumn of 1986 that the behaviour of M3 was no longer a reliable guide to monetary conditions and monetary targets were dropped in favour of discretionary interpretations of several ‘ indicators ’ including the exchange rate and the growth of nominal income itself .
25 In response to the conference title , ‘ Is West Belfast Working ? ’ , the consensus reached in this workshop was that the issue of disabled people working was not being addressed by Making Belfast Work .
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