Example sentences of "this [noun sg] be [conj] [pron] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 An objection to the use of the defence in this case was that it enabled the court to evade the statutory prohibition on applying volenti non fit injuria .
2 Er my Lord it 's rather a complicated of transaction and the the essential heading this case was that he failed to advise in relation to title er the person who goes from with respect to a land transaction he 's entitled to expect that the lawyer investigates the state of entitlement to arrange the matter and to explain to the trial exactly what that is , what it is that is portrayed by the state of the title .
3 The economic significance of this division was that it made possible a very high rate of saving .
4 A limitation of this study is that we had no information on the type of hysterectomy — abdominal or vaginal .
5 The particular benefits of this approach for this study were that it provided quantitative data on important treatment/intervention issues in a population where group-comparison studies alone would be inappropriate , because of the individual nature of each person 's challenging behaviour and the small number of potential subjects .
6 One problem with this experiment is that it presented subjects with a very artificial task and , not surprisingly , various criticisms have been made by authors such as Hupet and Le Boudec ( 1977 ) and Schultz and Kamil ( 1979 ) .
7 And the suggestion to this Committee was that it looked , that it looked further at the five hundred thousand pounds guideline that 's been set to address the apparent shortfall on community care funding , and also that you should look at further service reductions and their implications erm , of reductions of a further two hundred and fifty thousand , and those are again picked up later in the paper .
8 The other important feature of this Act was that it legitimized expenditure on secondary and technical schools , and thereby stimulated the growth of this element of state education .
9 The answer to this question was that they had other means of transport .
10 All he did know at this moment was that it seemed a shame a girl such as Maggie here , with brains , because she was no fool , and a talent such as she had , should be encased in a body that held no appeal .
11 Something that struck me personally at this period was that he had a most strange and cultivated sense of humour .
12 And as I walk back through the streets the other thing fuelling this self-criticism is that I turned up there with the gun .
13 The reason that Jesus talked with this woman was that he wanted to save her .
14 As Cumings has pointed out , the importance of this paper is that it foreshadowed with considerable accuracy the sequence of events over the next three years , culminating in the formal establishment of the Republic of Korea in 1948 .
15 I remember doing a crossword once and I could n't imagine what this word was that I 'd got .
16 One of the unpleasant by-products of this affair was that it had blighted the beginnings of a friendship .
17 If the meaning of this oracle was as it seemed , the word ‘ brother ’ had surely a double monastic significance .
18 The reason it 's come out in this way is that you had the debate on the er original proposals for this extra money which did n't go as was recommended er and you made a decision on that and then later in the agenda , and I ca n't find the , the exact point now but you had a discussion and a suggestion was made and agreed that if there was any money left over investigations should be made and that the surveyor should give erm consideration Madam Chairman to using any of that , perhaps for a camera , and that was agreed , and it is noted somewhere , and that 's what Mr has done .
19 The reason that the protest was n't accepted by the courts in this country was that they had not protested with equivalent vigour at an earlier stage when the looted antiquities first appeared on the market .
20 The positive achievement of this tradition was that it allowed different communities , and their claims over their members , to be acknowledged and valued with a new , official respect .
21 So he got out and he looked underneath and the drive shaft had fell off so he got it towed back to the garage wherever this garage was and they had a look at it and all the head were loose you could waggle them about !
22 In a moment I will produce the recipe — and please , will readers do their best to suspend disbelief until they have tried it ? — but one of the main points about this recipe is that it taught me ( for after all , one does not buy lobsters all that often ) that anisette is , improbably but incontrovertibly , a quite magical ingredient in fish dishes and sauces .
23 In the version here in nineteen ninety two , the death of Christ is coupled with the resurrection , and all that is said in this connection is that he overcame evil .
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