Example sentences of "this [noun sg] [verb] been [adj] of " in BNC.

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1 He did so in a speech in the Norman town of Bayeux — a symbolic location because this town had been one of those that he had visited in his first trip to liberated territory in June 1944 .
2 While Senna 's steady but swift progress made his 20th Grand Prix victory look easy , the reigning world champion says this race has been one of the toughest .
3 This month has been one of the worst he can remember .
4 The many occasions over the years when this summit has been short of water were thus inevitable unless the level of leakage could have been reduced to an absolute minimum .
5 One of the most recent contributions to this debate has been that of Gerland Ledger , in his book Recounting Plato .
6 I remembered when my own wife , Maria , had told me this , and how this house had been full of the laughter of little voices , and the noise of running feet .
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