Example sentences of "this [adv] [vb -s] [conj] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Well we , if , this only happens if we wish them to vacate the site , and what it is is to jump to a suitable
2 Naturally this only applies where there has been no illness or injury which would cause dramatic loss of functioning .
3 However , this only applies if you do not live in the same house as your landlord .
4 When they are dried out this generally indicates that they have already been eaten twice .
5 This always applies when you collect pupils ' errors .
6 At another level this also happens when we commit ourselves to a particular religion or ideology .
7 This also means that it has been introduced by humans to a lot of places it 's not native to — Indonesian islands , mainly — and it has widely hybridised with the introduced wild boar .
8 This often means that you 've studied the subject at a lower level before coming to college — and have done reasonably well at it .
9 This particularly applies where it appears the public is being parted from its money without receiving , or being likely to receive , anything in return .
10 X is defined as something very like a human eye , sufficiently similar that the human eye could plausibly have arisen by a single alteration in X. If you have a mental picture of X and you find it implausible that the human eye could have arisen directly from it , this simply means that you have chosen the wrong K. Make your mental picture of X progressively more like a human eye , until you find an K that you do find plausible as an immediate predecessor to the human eye .
11 This simply means that he felt that he was doing one thing when , in fact , he was really doing the opposite .
12 This sometimes emerges when we find a book illustration , or a film or television interpretation , unconvincing .
13 This then means that we feed daily on the Bible , which tells us about his righteousness — or right-relatedness to him .
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