Example sentences of "this [be] [pron] [det] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 This is something more than a mere disturbance of the public calm or quiet but it appears that in the context of public order , the element of violence deemed essential in R. v. Howell ( C.A. , 1982 ) , in relation to powers of summary arrest , has not always been required .
2 And this is something more than a literary point .
3 But we can now see that the apocalyptic interpretation of history emerged from the confrontation with the Greeks about 165 B.C. If II Maccabees reveals a true aspect of the activities of Antiochus IV by stressing the cooperation of Hellenizing Jews , this is something less than the whole truth .
4 I trust that this is nothing more than a proofreading error .
5 Yet those who know Diana know this is nothing more than a working business arrangement .
6 Despite the suspicions the adventurers will surely have , this is nothing more than a standard mirror with no magical properties whatsoever — unless you decide to add some , of course .
7 This is nothing more than a deaggregation of larger line items .
8 Short-term pain for long-term gain — or in his words , ‘ this is nothing less than a call to arms , to restore the vitality of the American dream ’ .
9 This is nothing less than a call to arms to restore the vitality of the American dream , ’ he said .
10 Some evidence for a layered structure was found , but whether this is anything more than a local feature is unknown .
11 Surely this was something more than the heat of twelve geese cooking on a summer 's night ?
12 This was nothing less than a battle between him and the mighty Trunchbull .
13 She had always found being on stage an incredible joy , but this was nothing less than a nightmare , every second seeming to stretch for an eternity , and her usual spontaneity had completely deserted her , leaving her painfully self-conscious , horribly aware of every word she uttered .
14 It was odd enough to see that rather feminine room crammed full with so many stern , dark-jacketed gentlemen , sometimes sitting three or four abreast upon a sofa ; but such was the determination on the part of some persons to maintain the appearance that this was nothing more than a social event that they had actually gone to the lengths of having journals and newspapers open on their knees .
15 Charmed in spite of his suspicion that all this was nothing more than an elaborate strategy to get the best strawberries , the young man leaned on his fork .
16 ‘ It only proves what I have been saying for some time that this was nothing more than an arranged marriage .
17 For my late grandmother , this was nothing more than an amusing game .
18 If this was anything more than a straightforward clerical error — the only parallel case being Robert Harold of Hungerford , who was stated to own a copyhold worth 8s. — it poses the question , was customary land ever assessed , whether by accident or design ?
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