Example sentences of "this [noun] of [noun] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 At this level of support the electoral system begins to work very handsomely in a party 's favour , and Labour came first in over three-quarters of the wards .
2 But in this part of Sardinia the local tongue is a version of Catalan .
3 The bar chart that was the result of the survey we did you need to look at that piece of work and ask yourself a question , is this piece of work the best thing I have ever done ?
4 Ryn station was one of his favourite haunts , or rather its approaches , ‘ the cinder path with the poplars … then the ditch full of duckweed , then the brown-grey soil of spaded potato fields , or plots planted with greenish purple-red cabbage … behind this stretch of ground the red-rusted or black rails in yellow sand ; here and there stacks of old timber — heaps of coal — discarded railway carriages . ’
5 In Smith [ 1979 ] Crim LR 251 the judge seems to have directed the jury that in this type of manslaughter the accused had to foresee a real risk to his wife 's health , and Sheppard [ 1981 ] AC 394 confirmed that this was so .
6 At this moment of crisis the Communist International began an onslaught on Social Democracy , despite the strenuous opposition of the leadership of the British Party .
7 Yes , very much so in fact , and in this sort of thing the local trend is similar to the national trend .
8 In this sort of situation the local Social Services Department may be able to help you with many practical problems , such as caring for a dependent relative .
9 In this sort of situation the local Social Services Department may be able to help with many practical problems , such as caring for a dependent relative .
10 From this period of time the great majority of extant work is ecclesiastical .
11 Through all this period of turmoil the cruel winter was beginning to abate , but only very slowly ; Woodforde in his diary was still lamenting conditions in April : ‘ Never such cold known by man ’ .
12 In this group of patients the mean number of items recalled from the left ear was higher than from the right ear .
13 For political sociology , on the other hand , the principal question is the relation between a form of society and a type of political system ; and from this point of view the foregoing distinctions may have little significance .
14 From this point of view the middle class is held to consist of non-manual workers .
15 From this point of view the professional-managerial class are likely to try to maintain their position by forming themselves into professions .
16 From this point of view the appropriate label for the payment is Evans-Pritchard 's term : " bridewealth " .
17 From this point of view the relevant question to ask about the shift of the aggregate demand curve in figure 4.4 from AD to AD 1 is : Was it predictable on the basis of the available information relating to the process determining aggregate demand ?
18 From this point of view the French have never regarded fascism as an aberration , concurring rather with Césaire and Fanon that it can be explained quite simply as European colonialism brought home to Europe by a country that had been deprived of its overseas empire after World War I. French poststructuralism , therefore , involves a critique of reason as a system of domination comparable to that of the Frankfurt School , but rather than setting up the possibility of a purged reason operating in an unblocked , ideal speech situation as a defence against tyranny and coercion in the manner of a Habermas , it reanalyses the operations of reason as such .
19 That the to preceding the infinitive should bring a meaning of its own into the context is no surprise for a semantically oriented approach to language , since from this point of view the very raison d'être of a linguistic sign is to express meaning .
20 In this mode of complaint the Thou- dominated poems are the more powerful .
21 Despite this absence of co-ordination the British government was eager to move against the French and make sure they could not endanger the American colonies .
22 I fell madly in love with this area of Scotland the first time I set eyes on it , and subsequently crawled all over it for years , marvelling at how many caves Bonnie Prince Charlie managed to occupy in his escape from the Redcoats .
23 And we should perhaps add to this list of discourses the critical one which organises an anecdote , which may not have taken place at all , to re-iterate a point about Shakespeare and power .
24 Country lanes , fields , gardens — at this time of year the fragrant Elderflower blossom is everywhere .
25 At this time of year the unpaved streets were practically quagmires .
26 Items ranging from cloths and brushes to mops and buckets make this class of equipment the widest and most diverse .
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