Example sentences of "this [noun] was [adv] [vb pp] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 This technique was then adapted and refined by the more sophisticated cultures of the ancient world , and gradually evolved into what is arguably the most important and universal form of artistic and cultural expression in the East .
2 Bills seeking to exclude various categories of placemen from Parliament were introduced on average once every session between 1692 and 1714 , and a general measure banning all placemen from the Commons found its way into the Act of Settlement of 1701 ( which laid down the conditions on which the Hanoverians would succeed to the throne ) , although this provision was subsequently modified before the Act came into effect .
3 This lawyer was therefore classified as professionally marginal , in a structural rather than an attitudinal sense .
4 This protein was then purified and tested for an ability to be phosphorylated in a crude HeLa cell nuclear extract ( Figure 1C ) .
5 This figure was rapidly exceeded and by 1989 was carrying one million passengers annually , necessitating lengthening platforms at several stations along its route at a cost of £60,000 .
6 This practice was only varied if there was some known defect in the title , and if that was so , one could expect to find a special condition on the contract , indicating that the buyer would take the title as it stood , and would not raise requisitions after contracts were exchanged .
7 Unfortunately confidence in this practice was somewhat sapped when the House of Lords decided that , if the officer of the company who certified the transfer did so fraudulently and for his own purposes when sufficient share certificates had not in fact been lodged , the company was not liable .
8 This instrument was thoroughly constructed and standardized by a series of factor analyses .
9 This law was widely criticised as racist because it effectively barred entry from the so-called new Commonwealth while allowing continued emigration from the predominantly white old Commonwealth countries .
10 But this question was quickly resolved when it was discovered that Coggan much preferred moving to York and not London .
11 This whine was higher pitched and considerably more curious — David Vivian
12 This process was only used if the wheel press broke down , or if an odd or non-standard wheel required tyring .
13 But this charge was later dropped when Kedie 's brother confirmed it was a loan to pay for outstanding bills and to help set up a fish and chip shop in Eastbourne .
14 Under mounting pressure from the pomeshchiks , this period was gradually extended until , in 1649 , the peasants were permanently bound to the land and forbidden to move .
15 This room was rarely used except by posher locals , who were very thin on the ground , or on really big occasions when people overflowed from the public bar and snug .
16 This right was often exercised and mean that by 1983 many were in the hands of individuals with no interest in golf , but who had inherited bonds by assignment through parents or grandparents .
17 This point was rapidly settled when folic acid was shown not to check but to accelerate the development of certain leukaemias .
18 Although this behaviour was widely condemned and probably few , if any , students took part , the nationalistic sentiments and feelings of frustration with the condition of modern China were not isolated phenomena .
19 But this evidence was generally regarded as inconclusive by the scientific world .
20 In men this factor was only related because of its association with separation .
21 This claim was widely debated because Malthus used it to suggest that poverty and starvation were inevitable .
22 This policy was eventually modified and finally reversed some eight years later .
23 However , in its first two terms the Conservative government was more interested in the sale of council houses , and it was only when this policy was fully established that they could turn their whole attention to the rented sector .
24 This pattern was traditionally expounded as involving four kinds of reality : literal historical truth ; allegorical significance in the way in which events in the Old Testament are fulfilled by those in the New and in the life of the Church ; moral teaching ( labelled troplogical interpretation ) ; and fourthly , anagogical understanding relating to ultimate spiritual realities — this is particularly important for mystical works .
25 This area was specifically targeted because of the high level of involvement of people living there in road accidents .
26 This feeling was greatly strengthened when , six months later , Sir Robert was again approached about the Suez programme and again asked for it not to be shown .
27 This uprising was ruthlessly suppressed and many Samaritans , including the leaders , were exterminated in the process .
28 This consideration was never advanced or even pondered by the opponents of the agreement .
29 This trend was then halted or even reversed thereafter as large companies especially in manufacturing transferred their excess labour into smaller subcontractors or satellite companies .
30 Although this memorandum was immediately denounced and repudiated , there is no doubt that it touched some sensitive nerves .
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