Example sentences of "this [noun] and [pron] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 There is just one observation I wish to make to the Committee this afternoon and it actually goes about the whole issue of the planning aspect of what 's gone on .
2 than my job then he said I presume you 've got mixed feelings , I said no my feelings are n't mixed up at all , I 'm quite , I 'm quite sure of my feelings of what I know , I said David I would n't associate myself , I would n't drink and I would n't go out with anybody in this building and he nearly fell over and he said dare I ask why ?
3 Most of my friends will buy this album and we usually waste a lot of time discussing the merits of whatever record we have recently bought , so we may well have a few arguments on whether to eat meat or not .
4 ‘ We feel that the whole country is willing Tim to win this battle and it really does help us because without that we would have started to disintegrate over this last couple of days .
5 The material which has been gathered supports this contention and it also raises a number of issues concerning the needs of staff , as well as students , at a time when the total quality of the teaching/learning experience is assuming a certain prominence throughout the HE sector .
6 We have been consulted on the content of this plan and we also attended a special seminar run by the DoE at Green College Oxford .
7 I have given a great deal of thought as to how much I should actually tell you about this period and what just to leave to your imagination .
8 The Southern Centre has successfully sued both Mississippi and Florida on this basis and they now have to pay $25 an hour to defence lawyers .
9 And the Rottweiler come in this morning and she never does any overtime not any not Saturday morning not Sunday .
10 Well I 'm conscious we kept you a long time this time this morning and I certainly do appreciate your attendance and presence .
11 And it turned out that there was a big goblin that lived on this island and he just ate fairies .
12 The graphics are much improved in this game and it also uses a scrolling screen , which means you get to where you are going a lot faster .
13 Drumaness Mills have not conceded a goal this season and they again recorded a blank sheet when beating Dunmurry Rec 3-0 in the first round of the Steel & Sons Cup at Ashley Park .
14 The scheme , which also includes £60 per goal , was only introduced this season and it certainly has proved a success .
15 It is a tall order for someone so new to the professional ranks , but one which could never be construed as being beyond a competitor who , as an amateur , tied for second place behind Greg Norman in the Australian Masters at Huntingdale at the start of this season and who also finished in the top 10 in the English Open at The Belfry .
16 His study on psychoanalysis was crucial in this respect and it still provides the basic model for the particular notion of social representation ( Moscovici , 1976 ) .
17 The Oxford dictionary gives minimal comfort for using the word in this manner and it surely strikes the UK ear as pompous or worse , over-zealous .
18 In the pre-civil war period , one group of clerics and laymen who shared this approach and who thus opposed the confrontational policies of Laud and his followers , began to meet at the house of Lucius Cary , Lord Falkland , at Great Tew in Oxfordshire .
19 And one thing we will learn from it I think , if we 're honest with ourselves , and we put , and try and save up and have a piece on the end there , but the one thing I think we will perhaps come to , and the one conclusion we may come to , is the fact that whilst we , we do live in this world and I absolutely agree that if somebody says , look I need to see a new as well , I need to see you now , or I need to see you tomorrow , that 'll be difficult , O K , and that 's the immediacy of the business .
20 you see him pull this thing and he just says well going out again , so I do n't know .
21 I am anxious to find common ground in the country on this matter and I strongly suggest that it is important that that common ground is found .
22 But the 19-year age gap is insignificant to the couple , who met at a nightclub earlier this year and who now share Margot 's west London home .
23 Summer is coming this year and I really want to learn .
24 Oh it would n't be me cos I 'm , I 'm doing it this year and I only thought of it too late
25 I am particularly proud of this scheme and I sincerely hope it will succeed .
26 A month ago the committee Labour members rejected this Scheme and I still have an enormous sense of amazement and anger that the local , and I express local , because it 's not a national policy , that the local Labour group could act in such a callous and spiteful way , putting political dogma , party political dogma , before the needs of the unemployed in the district .
27 This policeman was having to give evidence and he 'd come to talk , oh I see you 've had the baby , cos he was talking to me it had happened I said , oh what did you have blah blah blah , blah blah blah , but the little devil went in the witness box , he denied about not being there on duty about putting his mac on , ooh and he 'd never clapped eyes on barrister or a solicitor and they said he 'll meet you before the case , so we had to go extra early meet this barrister and he never came and so they took us in this little room in all his wig and his gown , we got , oh what happened ?
28 We we should discuss a bit about this document and I too have had the er dubious honour of reading John Major 's speech and it 's nice to see that both Tory speakers have actually managed to take half of it each and paraphrase it .
29 It would also be in line with previous EC VAT measures , but the art trade is adamantly opposed to this option and it also argues that its combination with the margin scheme is unworkable .
30 We 're looking at honours this time and she just said last night she , she said that 's why I phoned you she said cos I just ca n't believe it .
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