Example sentences of "this [conj] [pron] [vb past] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Betty Rizzo observes that Philip Leapor voted for the first time in the 1749 election for Knight of the Shire , and judges from this that he had used the capital from the subscription to buy his freehold [ Rizzo ] .
2 Soon , however , she did not have enough time to do this although someone had to relieve the poor beast , and the fresh creamy milk often sat in a gleaming churn in the corner of the kitchen untouched until it went rancid and had to be thrown away .
3 It was all very well picking at the past like this if it helped to exorcise the demons , but he was n't sure that was what William wanted .
4 Maidstone was used to all this and he had got the procedures worked out so well that very little mess was involved .
5 The the Jolly George er was a ship that was loaded with arms er to send to Russia , to for our the use of our troops in Russia , and the sailors refused to sail it , and there was quite a to do about this because they 'd got the steam up and it was ready to go but they never went .
6 She 'd thought a lot about this since they 'd planned the trip .
7 This found that girls who had felt isolated and embarrassed about being pregnant or having babies felt less stigma about this after they had attended the units and could take a much more realistic view of their situation .
8 He did this after he had cut the grooves for the second time in the stretchers .
9 And all this before we 'd opened the fridge .
10 Lorimer had taken charge of this before he 'd left the house .
11 Lothar 's supporters implicitly recognised this when they tried to postpone the battle 's political impact by spreading rumours that Charles had been killed and Louis wounded .
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