Example sentences of "this [noun] [vb mod] [prep] [noun sg] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The resulting figure will give the quantity of bullion minted , and this figure will in turn allow some attempt to quantify the cash element of state budgets and to approach questions of money supply ( and so , possibly , liquidity ) .
2 Clearly , then , externalization of this process may in part result in an undoing and reversal of that internalization of dependency on the lost , providential mother .
3 This period will of course depend upon the nature of the works being carried out and while the landlord will expect quite a long overrun period , it should be possible for the landlord and the tenant to agree a suitable long stop date .
4 This situation would in turn tend to promote surface cooling , as less thermal radiation would be emitted from the stratosphere to the ground .
5 This controversy could in principle have been resolved if the Electricity Boards had had effective knowledge of their own costs in meeting specific loads , but they conspicuously failed to develop and use the research necessary to establish this .
6 This book will of course deal with the familiar aspects of volcanoes and with the different kinds of eruptions that take place , but in addition to this , it will cover some of the quieter , less well-known aspects , and try to explain why volcanoes exist at all , why they occur where they do , and how they fit into the history of the Earth as a whole .
7 However , if one tries to envelop the noun phrase and the adjective in a single question , then , on the one hand , the result will usually or always be grammatical , because the verbs occurring in this construction can of course stand as ordinary transitive verbs , but , on the other , the question form will naturally be taken as related to the ordinary transitive verb with a simple noun phrase object — with a corresponding alteration in the meaning expressed ; ( 23 ) is an attempt to put such a question : ( 23 ) his sister set the owl free what did his sister set ? to which suitable answers could include the mousetrap or the first four questions .
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